30 year old with Dcis in both breasts

Member Posts: 32 ✭
Hi everyone
Just writing to connect with other people experiencing the same feelings. I got diagnosed with Dcis last week.Mammogram and biopsies showed right breast is covered in it and my left breast has a lump that is dcis.My lympnodes are very prominent so dr said cancer might have gone there too.I have 2 kids under 2 .I have been breastfeeding for 22 months , of course I had to stop immediately after the diagnosis. I need to have a double mastectomy and maybe chemo.I am so scared .It sounds stupid but I didn't think I'd get cancer this young while breastfeeding .I have no family history of cancer whatsoever. I keep googling stuff and everything I find says breast cancer in younger people is very aggressive .Please is anyone else scared as much as I am? I'd love to hear some positive stories
Just writing to connect with other people experiencing the same feelings. I got diagnosed with Dcis last week.Mammogram and biopsies showed right breast is covered in it and my left breast has a lump that is dcis.My lympnodes are very prominent so dr said cancer might have gone there too.I have 2 kids under 2 .I have been breastfeeding for 22 months , of course I had to stop immediately after the diagnosis. I need to have a double mastectomy and maybe chemo.I am so scared .It sounds stupid but I didn't think I'd get cancer this young while breastfeeding .I have no family history of cancer whatsoever. I keep googling stuff and everything I find says breast cancer in younger people is very aggressive .Please is anyone else scared as much as I am? I'd love to hear some positive stories
Hi @El.mumof2.....welcome to the forum, although I am sorry for your reason for being here. Whilst I can't say I'm 30, I was diagnosed with multi focal DCIS (and after biopsy, early stage invasive carcinoma) in April last year. There were no indications - no lumps, no bumps, nothing...just those little satellite dots on a mammogram that indicated all was not well. I have no family history either - so it was a bolt out of the blue. 10 weeks after my diagnosis, I had a mastectomy and insertion of a tissue expander. Now, 12 months on, I've just had the reconstruction.
Its ts been surreal since Day1 - I never felt sick...godammit I'm a vegetarian, reasonably fit, have a healthy life! But there's no reasoning behind cancer - I got it.....and have spent the past 12 months wrestling with and accepting my new normal.
everyone here knows how you feel. We will wrap a warm and loving collective hug around you and say you're not alone; we understand and we will walk beside you.
Sending big virtual hugs
Nikki x2 -
Welcome to the best place to get some help and support, but so sorry to hear that you are here with us.
I am quite a lot older than you and there will be some younger people come on to help with your concerns with young children, but I can assure you I was really scared too.
yes, you get told that breast feeding for so long will protect you, no family history, blah blah blah, it is all just noise unfortunately.
As soon as you know what your options are and can get your schedule of treatment you will feel much more in control, but the emotions will still be there.
Have you ordered your My Journey Kit?
Have you got a breast cancer nurse?
Sometimes you have to organise these things yourself, if it hasn't been done for you.
You are going to need all the support you can get through this so lean on everyone you can, ask anything here, someone will know the answer or how to get it.
There are a lot of downloadable fact sheets on the resources section here too, have a look at them before doing too much more googling.
Until you know what you are dealing with after the surgery, when the pathology comes back, you won't really know how aggressive the cancer is.
Your team of specialists will be very aware of how to get you cured as quickly as possible.
The thought of such major surgery is a nasty shock and no wonder you are scared.
Our first fear is of course for our families, and that brings up many other emotions too.
If it is of help to you, I have many clients who have had breast cancer at a young age that have come forward and told me since my diagnosis, they are around 16 years out of treatment and still doing well, so there are good stories too.
Sending you a big sisterly cuddle and as much virtual support as I can.
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Step one its been found and that's the major turning point as many don't find it until its too late. Take a breath, listen to everything your doctors tell you and take someone with you for all appointments as two sets of ears are better than one. You will be a changed person but a new you will emerge after treatment, stronger than ever.
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Hello El *big hug* and welcome.
Not being aware of the risk is not stupid. It just means the information hadn't made its way to you.
Doctor Google will tell people they have cancer if they stub a toe. Doctor Google got the medical licence out of a breakfast cereal box. Doctor Google is a jerk and I don't care for its opinion at all.
In these early days, if you can stand it, try to stick to researching on reputable websites and leave the drama to the wolves, because it's already terrifying and you sure don't need it.
I was diagnosed just after turning 31 after finding an invasive tumor, and when they opened me up for the surgery they found a breach along with some pretty threatening DCIS the mammograms didn't even see, so up went my treatment plan!
I've just invited you to come into the Young Women's groupand if you would like to talk or have a vent, my inbox is open.
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@sillysam83 thought you might be able to provide sone support.
Welcome to the site. Such a shock and I can only imagine the fear. I was 51 at diagnosis with 3 teenage boys. I kept thinking about what would happen to them if I didn't make it. At times that thought consumed me. But eventually I was able to face it, got through surgery and chemo and hope has now emerged that I will be there for them to hopefully see them marry and move on with their lives. I wish you well I know we are here to listen when you need. Kath x2 -
Thanks primek as always for tagging me.
I was diagnosed with DCIS when i was 27. I too did not think i would ever get breast cancer. I wasnt breast feeding and i dont have kids so cant help there. It was a plan of ours as we just got married but breast cancer had other plans. I had lymph node involvement on 1 side and ended up having double mastectomy with delayed recon. Chemo, rads and hormone treatment. The works i call it for my type of cancer. Breast cancer can be aggressive in younger women but that doesnt mean the end of the world. I was diagnosed in 2011 and still here (cancer free) telling my story.
Bcna helped me so much o hope they help u too. Feel free to contact me via email m_punchard@**** if you like or tag me in here and ill come running!
All of your feelings are normal.
Piece of advice: stop googling!!!!
Sillysam aka Merylee3 -
Thanks ladies
I will follow your advice , stop googling and wait till I see my dr in Sydney tomorrow . It feels good to know other people have gone through this and are now cancer free it gives me so much hope. Thank you for all the comments I really appreciate it. What a lovely support network I'm happy I found you guys.3 -
This is a group for young women with breast cancer.....
@El.mumof21 -
Hi @EI.mumof2
It's certainly a scary experience from the day we were told we have cancer. We feel shocked, disbelief, anger, scared, upset...... following with lots of tears. It's a roller coaster we would never want to ride on.
I was diagnosed December last year at 40years old with 2 children (breastfed both of them), no family history, living in a healthy and happy life. I had 2 lumps removed from right breast, which showed LCIS covered the whole tissue removed. I was given options of radiotherapy or single mastectomy. I was really worried about my left breast. I had MRI recently, i was shocked that it found another lump in my left breast. I had biopsy last week and will find out the results today. I am waiting for double mastectomy as well.
Good luck with your appointment today. We will get through this scary roller coaster together. There are so many inspirational women and men here. You can join the "choosing breast reconstruction " group. There are lots of support out there as well. I went to Breacan spoke to the volunteers who had experience with BC and ovarian cancer. I was connected by the cancer connect program at cancer council Australia with two women who are similar my age with similar experiences. One woman had mastectomy with implants reconstruction, the other had mastectomy with flap reconstruction. We shared our experiences and had lovely conversations over the phone. It made me feel so much better to talk to someone who had similar experiences. It helped me in the process making decisions what type of reconstruction is best for me.
Lots of love and hugs for you!2 -
Thanks ladies , @Butterfly 40 good luck for today xo1
Hi El.mumof2 and welcome to the network, lots of supporting and understanding folk here. It's so normal to have all the feelings that you have described. Take a deep breath and take it 1 appointment at a time, 1 treatment at a time. Make sure you have a support person with you when you talk to your treatment team, I know that my hubby certainly remembered the bits of information that I missed due to stress. Ask lots of questions, and come back to us as you need, as we can steer you towards the right help sheets and websites.
Sending you a big gentle cuddle, Trace xx3 -
Hi I'm a mum of 2 girls. When I was diagnosed last year my youngest one was 5.5 months. Breastfed both.
In addition to what others said already, you need someone to look after your kids while you go through treatments. Please contact Mummy's Wish, which is a charity for mums with cancer who has kids under 12 years old. They will put you in touch with a nanny agency and they could provide you with in-home care paid by Centrelink under the Special Child Care Benefit. I've just recently completed surgeries, chemo and radiotherapy and I've had in home nanny to help with my kids throughout this difficult year! I still have!
The stress of the whole cancer treatments plus the thought of not being able to look after my kids was just too much. Knowing that my kids are being looked after well lessens my stress and I can go to the hospital in peace and rest when I need to.1 -
@Tingy I'm so sorry you had to go through this , the stress of having 2 young kids and finding out you have cancer is one I wouldn't wish to my worst enemy . Thanks for letting me know about this service I have saved it in my phone for future reference if needed . I am lucky I have lots of support from my mum, aunties and in laws that live very close to us and I know my kids will be in good hands . Hope everything is going well for you and your family xxxx1