My name is Magalie, I am 34 and I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer 6 months ago. Luckily I felt the lump at its early stage, it was still small and the cancer had not spread yet. But because it was quite an aggressive type of cancer and because I am still so young, I am actually going through 9 months of treatment…
Hi Ladies, It's been really inspiring to read all your stories and I'm really glad that Katie decided to start this group. Don't know if people are still active, but I just wanted to share my story. I'm 21 years old and had a lump removed in May 2011, which turned out to be a Phyllodes Tumor and was half a kilo, no jokes.…
Hi, my name is Tania. Im 36 years old, married with 2 young children and an adult daughter. I live in country Western Australia. Just diagnosed last week with IDC 3 tumours in my right breast, stage 1 on biopsy. Scared is an understatement, never felt anything like this in my life, i think the unknown is the worst, dont…
Also just diagnosed
Hi all, I'm 32 and diagnosed last week with a stage 3 infiltrating ductal carcinoma with a whole lot of lymphnodes involved. I'm starting chemo on tuesday and I'm absolutely terrified. I think I might be sick just from stressing out and not the chemo itself. I know everyone reacts differently to chemo, but what were your…
Just diagnosed
Hi everyone I'm 34 and was diagnosed on 7 January 2013 with Invasive Carcinoma grade 3 (still confused with all the lingo!!) I'm going to be having a mastectomy with tissue expanders then followed with chemo. My dr hasn't given details of what until I'm through surgery. This seems like a very silly question - but I'm…
Young Womens Group?
Does anyone know of a young womens breast cancer group i could attend in the eastern subirbs of sydney? Thanks!
Welcome to the NZ Young Women's Group
Hi everyone and welcome to the NZ Women's Group. We're really excited about having this group available on the BCNA website and hope that our young NZ women will support it by signing up and joining in - please let others know so we can build a dynamic and interesting group, sharing experiences, information and stories.…
Breast Friends
Hello all, I have just created an online support group for younger women who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer or have lost a loved one due to breast cancer. I would like to send out an invitation to any other younger women to join me. Danielle xx
Alexie My Breast Cancer Journey
I am 39 and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last May. I was 38 April last year I noticed a lump behind my nipple about the size of a large apricot I thought it was an inflamed gland. I discussed it with a friend, she said she had something similar and her GP said it would go down in a couple of weeks. So I forgot about…
Young Womens Conference GC
Three members of our support group traveled to the Gold Coast for the Young Women with Breast Cancer Conference on the weekend of the 10th Sept. We met up with some ladies we already knew and met some wonderful new friends. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend. The organisers should be congratulated!!!
Young Women's Conference
So I had an amazing time this last weekend at the 2nd National Conference for Young Women with Breast Cancer. It was an incredible event and I really had so much fun. I made some lovely new friends, learnt a lot & possibly drank a little too much. But it was worth it :) Hope that I can connect now with those that I met on…
The 2nd National Conference for Young Women affected by Breast Cancer
hi just want to say to everyone who is heading to queensland for the above event. "HAVE A GREAT TIME" and think of us all down here in SA in the cold and rain.... ENJOY!!!!!!