Hope and cancerversary
It’s my 2 year cancerversary today 🎉. I’m in a really good place within myself, without comparison to how I felt right after my diagnosis, and even before it. I guess I hope I continue to work on myself, so I can be content with life as it is, with reduced stress, and cancer free 🤞🍀💟. I have mostly moved on, but choose to…
Womanhood when you're diagnosed young
Hi everyone, I'm 34 and recently diagnosed. Last Friday I started chemo after a found of egg freezing. So far I've focused on survival and have been taking things one step at a time but now that treatment has started, I'm thinking about how life will change. Will I still be able to have biological children? And if not, how…
Inspiration from Nightbird
For those of you who need some inspiration. This link takes you to a segment of America's Got Talent where a beautiful 30 year old woman sings her own song about her MBC journey over the last 12 months. The song, her voice, and her attitude is truly beautiful and inspiring (although a little bit sad).…
Overwhelmed by what I do not know..
I have been diagnosed late last year, by chance, during a routine check up. I am 36 and what was originally thought to be a 1cm cancer, apparently turned out to be a 8cm cancer with lymph nodes affected! 😒 I am having a mastectomy next week and then radiations and chemo (pretty scared about what to expect, but trying to…
26 & in complete shock
I never thought I would hear the words.. let alone at 26. I have been recently diagnosed with Stage 2 Triple Postive beast cancer after finding a 3.5cm lump in my left breast & lymph node spread after further testing. Although I have family history, my Aunty & grandma were diagnosed with estrogen Postive breast cancer. I…
Hormone Therapy options for young women who hope to have children
Hi everyone 😊 I’m seeking some advice on what hormone therapy is best for younger women who want kids in the future. I have Grade 1 multifocal IDC+DCIS, 80% hormone positive, ER- cancer & I’m premenopausal, with no children. I was told after 2 years of hormone therapy I can try to fall pregnant (…but am hoping 1.5 will be…