Start Radiation Tomorrow

Stone90 Member Posts: 17
Hi everyone - just wanted to post that I start radiation tomorrow (IDC, grade 1A, ER/PR positive). It simultaneously feels like it's taken forever to get to this point (diagnosed 23/12/22, surgery 03/02/23) and like it's happening so quickly.

Feeling sad about leaving my kids behind with Dad ( 2 and 4 years old), but hoping and praying that we'll all grow through this experience.

I'm so encouraged by all of you and how brave you all are. Thanks for sharing your stories. 


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,409
    Best wishes @Stone90. I think you are amazing to go through this with little children. It's such a stressful time and overwhelming really. I am sorry you have to be away from your family for treatment. That is hard. I was lucky to have my husband and son with me. You will get through this. I hope you have support where you are being treated. Take care of yourself now, you are doing this for your future. Sending you a virtual hug. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 7,968
    Wishing you All the best, @Stone90 - I am so sorry you have to leave the family behind - but it will go 'quicker than you think' .... and you can do video calls to them every day as well xx.     

    I hope you can treat yourself & the family to a break after your treatment finishes ..... unfortunately the Otis Foundation doesn't have any retreats currently in WA - but you could contact them to be 'put on their list' for when retreats DO become available xx. Covid has prevented out of state retreats being available .... but they may come back as being available some time soon xx

    Just remember to keep the moisturisers up to the area being treated (but not BEFORE your treatment - only after!)  

    Take care & I hope you find it 'as easy' as I did 5 years ago - your time frame is very similar to my own - tho mine finished at Easter!  

    All the best - and if we can help, just add to this thread xx

  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 506
    I hope that your R/T goes as well as possible. Have you had Mepitel applied? It is a plastic looking film that is applied to the skin. It does a great job minimising damage to skin. I hope that time goes quickly for you. Do you have something to occupy yourself with? Reading, knitting exercise etc while you can't be home with your children. Do you know what Stage your cancer is?