New USA Drug Trial at preventing cancer cells going to bones
I've put this in the Mets Discussion area as well as general discussion - so that everyone can follow it. This could be a really important development for EVERYONE with BC to follow. This new trial sounds REALLY promising .... how good if this works & can be fast tracked all round the world. This trial comes from a…
Trials of new Mets Drug at Duke Cancer Institute - Bone Mets
This sounds promising .... This trial comes from a leukemia background and is now being tested on BC patients with HR+ Mets - hopefully even preventing cancer cells getting into bone marrow on patients who are currently NED (but may still have cancer cells circulating in the body.) Up to 30% of NED patients may go on to…
Ovaries removed
I was diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in June 2019. ER+I’ve finished chemo, had surgery & about to start rads next week & then have to take tamoxifen after I’ve finished rads. I’ve read on forums that some ladies also have their ovaries removed if they have ER+ breast cancer. Is this because they have the BRCA…
Verzenio now available on PBS for Metastatic Breast cancer
Just saying hi
Hi I'm 54, and was diagnosed with TNBC stage 3 locally advanced . I started my treatment on the 1st Nov 4 fortnightly AC Chem (finished the last one Fri yay ) and will the start 8 weeks of Taxol, surgery and then 4 weeks of daily radiation. It’s seems a long road ahead, I’ve been going ok I have wonderful family and…
Moving to Hervey Bay Area
Hi. I was diagnosed late last year and have had surgery and I am now on Hormone Blockers. Radiation has been discussed but the Oncologist felt it was not necessary in my case. my question is we are considering a move to Hervey Bay and I would like to know if needed down the track would I be able to access treatment there.
Dense Breast info - which USA states advise their women .....
This is a map of the USA - where the 'pink' currently show states that already advise 'some' of their women that they have dense breast tissue and may require further assessment by Ultrasound and/or MRI ..... but even the 'pink' states don't tell ALL the women! This article Below indicates that the FDA is proposing to make…
Hiding in plain sight
Hi everyone, just a ‘newbie’ here. My name is Julie & I was diagnosed with ILC on the 11th Dec 2019 & so far it’s been full on, appointments....appointments & one more scan, biopsy after another. Truth was, I was at the end of a very long work year & getting ready for a month long holiday mode & then my world was turned…
28 unsure on what treatment plan to take
I’m 28 I was diagnosed on the 11th of November 2019. I’m living in Busselton and being treated in Bunbury but have to go to Perth for some appointments. I don’t know the lingo as it’s all very fresh. I was diagnosed with stage 2 ductal er+ and pr+ breast cancer. I’ve had the lumpectomy and spoken to the team. They have…
sharing specialists
Hi. Just a quick (and silly) question. Do any of you 'share' the same specialists with an immediate family member and how do you feel about it?