what to take to chemo treatments?
Ok so here is my question, I've had my mastectomy (healing well, thankyou), and now I'm about to start Chemo shortly, what do I take with me on the day? I've seen suggestions for 'chemo packs' and some seems practical and some seems over the top. If you've been through chemo, what did you find important to have with you?…
Sydney Covid outbreak
Hi anyone feeling anxious about having chemo during this current outbreak? I'm due for my second of four cycles
No energy
Diagnosed at 47 in Dec 2019 after I found a lump.My treatment consisted of lumpectomy, radiotherapy and Tamoxifen. About 3 months after starting Tamoxifen ( started April 2020 so 12 months ago ) it was like I hit a brick wall. I have little to no energy. I finished work at Christmas 2020 due to this and just do a little…
Is this the normal process?
Hey Guys, I posted recently that I was diagnosed last Friday with triple neg breast ca stage three. All this week I’ve had the CT scans, bone scans, tomo the PET scan then Friday I’ll meet up again with the doctor that is looking after me and also meet my oncologist. I received a call today from the genetic councillor and…
Astra Zeneca vaccine while on Herceptin Perjeta
I just had the Astra Zeneca jab and the dr told me it wouldn’t work as well for me because I’m on immunotherapy (Herceptin Perjeta). I was surprised by this but went ahead anyway. Has anyone else on this been told that? Or that you had to get it at a certain time in the 3 weekly cycle?
Hi strangers
Hi ladies long time no speak, I hope you are all well and finding some happiness in one form or another. i have just read some of my own posts from last year, omg things have sure changed since 2017. it was my second year july 4th don't know where the time has gone, my doctor was very happy with me and I disscused the pain…
Online Q & A Event - Breast Cancer 2021: Research, Risks and Recovery - Thu, 4 Feb 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Join Breast Cancer Trials and Australia's top breast cancer experts for a virtual Q&A to discuss the latest in breast cancer research. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/breast-cancer-2021-research-risks-and-recovery-registration-132884618471 I registered for this event. The previous one was interesting.