Hoping the surgeon is right
Hi all, it's been 6 weeks since my formal diagnosis of invasive lobular stage 2. I had a sectional Mastectomy 3 weeks ago and am recovering well, back at work full time, must keep busy. I am off to the oncologist Monday, my surgeon, whom is excellent, has suggested that I will most likely need radiation therapy followed by…
Sewing... does anyone sew?
i tried to sew today lol it is supposed to be downtime..... tomorrow is the first meeting with the oncologist. I am trying to deal with the nerves. I did did however make the second of a bralette. Organic cotton from spotlight. Totally flat... no shape to the cups at all in fact no cups but it will stop my shirts from…
New and so confused
I am Grade 2, sentinel lymph node free, deciding if the 4 or 5% difference of having Chemo or going straight into radiation and onto tablets and with the added severe family history of kidney and heart disease. So confused ‘do I do Chemo or not’ I know it’s my decision but would like to know if other women have same or…
treatment starting
one more day until treatment starts and im not coping very well please help
Private hospital
I get my Herceptin at a private hospital under a govt funded scheme. Today they decided my temp was too high, My BP was too high and my heart was racing too much to have treatment. They sent me to their ED on the understanding I wouldn’t need to pay. I got there and the triage nurse told me I had to fork out $420. I told…
Playing the cancer card
Usually I am reluctant to emphasise my condition. However, today I was compelled to let my G.P.'s receptionist know my condition after being informed that I would need to wait for another 3 people in front of me, after already waiting half an hour. I left the surgery and came back because I knew I had to have my injection…
Stage 3 Invasive Lobular Cancer diagnosis
Hi everyone, this is my first time on here and I've been reading everyone's stories and comments. What an amazing bunch of people that are here. Having read so many stories has encouraged me to post my on story and questions that I hope some of you may have an answer on or even just an opinion on. I'd been having regular…
Hello warrior friends, I need to vent! Today my eldest left our nest in Canberra bound for Sydney and i just can't stop crying. Bloody f...ed up cancer😡 I so want to be with him today to help him unpack and set up his new home but instead I'm at home feeling like crap after chemo number 2 on Monday and only 14 to…
New diagnosis - Jen029
I was diagnosed on 1st November, had surgery last week and have just been to the surgeon today for pathology results. Triple negative and ki67 of 80%, fortunately lymph nodes are clear as are CT and bone scans. Will be needing chemo and radiation therapy. It has been a very overwhelming couple of weeks. Will be trying to…
Catching up.
Hi everyone in particular to @Merv, I do hope you have bought that camera and send us some photos, @sister,@afraser, @kmakm,@kitbag,@iserbrown,@arpie,@soldiercrab,@rikibcna so, it has been a few days since I received all of your lovely messages, and I have needed that time to just step back from bcna,and enjoy these…
Seeking a medical oncologist
I am 11 years down the track from my BC diagnosis and looking for a recommendation for a good oncologist in Adelaide or surrounds. I believe the one I went to for Chemo treatment dished out the right concoctions including anti nausea medication which got me through with no dramas. However, I found him to be totally…
Newly diagnosed over Christmas..
Hello to everyone going through this frightening journey. I am a 59 yo post menopausal woman who at this moment feels absolute terror. i had a routine mammogram and was recalled due to cancer being detected. Grade 2 established after core biopsies. I’m still coming to grips with the diagnosis, for some odd reason, I felt…