Sewing... does anyone sew?

jan61 Member Posts: 49
edited March 2019 in Creative Corner
i tried to sew today lol it is supposed to be downtime..... tomorrow is the first meeting with the oncologist. I am trying to deal with the nerves.

I did did however make the second of a bralette. Organic cotton from spotlight. Totally flat... no shape to the cups at all in fact no cups but it will stop my shirts from gaping and me from scaring the natives. Perfect for my bilateral scars.


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Hi @jan61 I know HOW to sew and I CAN. But I don’t.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    I used to sew a lot, but now with my peripheral neuropathy in hands and feet, it's no longer possible. My foot can't feel how much pressure is being applied to the pedal and I now have ten numb thumbs, and would probably do my fingers a mischief if I tried. Do heaps of knitting and also crochet granny blankets.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I've got a sewing machine - does that count?  And an overlocker ..... but they don't get used much!  
  • jan61
    jan61 Member Posts: 49
    Hi @Glynnis I miss sewing for the babies but my concentration is pretty haphazard. A bralette is about as difficult as it gets at the moment and it is pretty rough lol.

    hi to every one else too! Am I supposed to answer individually? Is a lack of concentration co
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I can sew. I learned when I was a child, it was the only option to own new clothing that actually fit me. I loved heavy fabrics, extravagant coats and tailored items. I've made dozens of bridesmaid outfits for unconventionally shaped girls and hundreds of quilts. Dog jackets.

    I don't want to do it anymore. My sewing machine shits me, I can't see to thread a needle and I can't stand the mess.

    The storeroom is full of boxes of fabric which I can't bear to throw out. It's one of the few hobbies where I can justify keeping provisions even though I'm not sure I'll ever do it again. You simply can't buy the range of fabric now that you could 20 years ago
  • jan61
    jan61 Member Posts: 49
    Oh @Zoffiel I’m sorry 😩 I have had many days lately where my sewing has failed and my machine shits me. 

    I do do understand how the mess can make you feel and I am unbelievably spoilt in having a craft studio I can leave and close the door.
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    I agree about the lack of the range of fabrics available today. I HATE stretch fabrics, flatly refuse to sew them. 

    I still sew my own clothes. With long legs, ready made trousers look as if I am expecting floods. Ready made  jackets leave my long arms with wrist freezers. Occasionally I need a jacket for an hour or so in the Kimberley.

    And I am vain enough that I don't want to wear what everyone else is wearing. 

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I can sew (sort of) but I don't.  All Mum's fault.  She could sew anything, beautifully.  Makes my efforts looked cobbled.  I have, however, turned out a number of kid's dressup outfits for concerts and other events (usually with much swearing involved - a sheep, a kangaroo, a tiger, Anne Shirley, Eragon, etc.  But DON"T call me crafty!
  • CarmelS
    CarmelS Member Posts: 269
    I sew when the need presents itself or I am too tight to pay a ridiculous price for something. Always fabric squirrelled away somewhere. Made a lot of clothes in the past for small people & made my wedding dress, bridesmaid dress & also wedding dress for a sister. But gone are the days where my friend & I would knock up dresses on a Friday night to where to a B & S ball on Saturday night, Taffeta was sooooo cheap  !!!