Playing the cancer card

Patti J
Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
edited February 2019 in General discussion
Usually I am reluctant to emphasise my condition. However, today I  was compelled to let my G.P.'s receptionist know my condition after being informed that I  would need to wait for another 3 people in front of me, after already waiting half an hour.
I left the surgery and came back because I  knew I had to have my injection or risk pain and fractures.
I had made my appointment before Christmas.
All I  wanted was my monthly injection. 
My G.P. was very apologetic.
All good now but...



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    It's about your own sanity!  We can appreciate sometimes things happen and they get behind but a better way of management is being informed when you arrive that they are running behind, whatever approximate time is, you can then head off and return or ask if you can jump the queue and see what they say!
    When we book in for our appointment there's a screen to book in and it tells you whether you are next or second in line ...
    My GP has always encouraged me to let the staff know if I am in trouble and he will see me!  Hopefully this hiccup was a one off and your next appointment is on time!  
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Thanks @iserbrown. I will wait if I need to but not when it is a monthly appointment.
    When I  was waiting to see my breast surgeon for my first cancer query appointment,  many years ago, I  waited for three and a half hours. I figured if I needed to see him badly enough, I  would wait as long as I had to. 
  • JennyD78
    JennyD78 Member Posts: 69
    Do they have a nurse on staff who could do the injection?  The nurse's at my GP are rarely behind time (and they bulk bill every time) and if the GP really wants to see me, they'll call her while I'm in with them.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    There is a nurse but she has only ever given me one injection.  I prefer to see my regular G.P.  I have even volunteered to inject myself.

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It doesn't hurt to complain. At outpatients one day I waited over two hours to be seen. The time before that was an hour and a half and the time before that was an hour. I put a formal complaint in. 
    The other day I went in and waited no more than 15 minutes. The waiting room was only 1/3 full and those that were there were taken in a reasonable turnover rate. More doctors rooms were open with doctors in them this time too. My complaint must have been heeded and a bit more of a budget was advanced to an overworked department. More staff = less patient waiting.
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi, just thought I would add my 2 cents worth, 
    as I live in a rural/country town I am fortunate to have access to community nurses, so they come to my home every 6 weeks and give me my denosunab/.xgeva injection, just a thought for those who live out in the country areas, worth a try?
    I also see my GP every month for scripts as wel,l waiting from anywhere between nil and 45 minutes what do you do?
    The reception stafff know I have anxiety issues so if I feel a little off I tell them and they let me go and sit somewhere quietly till I am the next patient My GP is aware that I have my injections this way and I had to have a medical report signed off by him to give to the community nurse.


  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Love it!!! could you write up a training manual!!! it would be a best seller,I am with you I dont do waiting @Zoffiel
    so have worked out my own methods of coping!

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Interesting read about the cancer card  -  never feel guilty if you have to use it!