My Care - Understanding Informed Financial Consent
Hi members, During October for breast Cancer Awareness Month, BCNA will shine a light on optimal breast cancer care. The aim is to raise awareness in the community, the health sector and amongst the BCNA network about what optimal care means. I know not all of you are on other social platforms so I thought this would be a…
Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day - 20th October 2022
Today is Male Breast Cancer Awareness Day, and we would like to highlight that breast cancer can affect anyone, with around 212 men diagnosed each year in Australia. Paul has a strong family history of breast cancer and carries the BRCA-2 gene mutation, but his initial diagnosed in 2018 still came as a shock. He was then…
Welcome New Members -20th October 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members: @BaaElly @MoiraT @Baila433 @Goldie47 @JojoK @Windy @Suze6 @Honestly @DaniJ @Ell2006 @Pansy @TamraC @kerrie60 @Jazzer @Boie @gerbera @NickSD You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
My Care - Understanding Supportive Care
Hi members, During October for breast Cancer Awareness Month, BCNA will shine a light on optimal breast cancer care. The aim is to raise awareness in the community, the health sector and amongst the BCNA network about what optimal care means. I know not all of you are on other social platforms so I thought this would be a…
Friday Update - 7th October 2022
Friday update 7th October 2022 Warm greetings to members old and new. Sorry for the belated Friday update (public holidays and leave caught up with me!). Despite the continued rain drops left-over from winter days, you can certainly feel the touch of spring in the air as we make our way into October. BCNA has a lot of…
Welcome New Members - 7th September 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Smooie @Natjess @Kaylia @Itsok @akpvj @Vicki1234 @Periwinkle0118 @Dingo14 @TaurusSun @KBev @Franca_C @maripan @pinkhope @Rowey @Galba2020 @MelMac @Ava_3 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum…
The Beacon - 1st September 2022 Edition
Greetings everyone, The latest issue #92 of The Beacon is available now and should arrive in your inbox today. Alternatively you can access it here via the link https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/the-beacon-magazine/issue-92-september-2022/ There is also a 'Download' option if you prefer to read it as a PDF. Enjoy!
Friday Update - 2nd of September 2022
Friday Update 2nd Sept 2022 Welcome to September and the start of spring everyone. Hopefully you have all received your emailed copy of The Beacon. I will share details in this update on where you can read the latest edition. I will also touch on the ‘Living well with breast cancer’ online forums; policy and advocacy news;…
Anyone “sacked” their oncologist?
Hi there, I just heard a wonderful ABC radio podcast by Tim Baker, who has stage four prostate cancer. He’s an author. While it might seem to have nothing to do with breast cancer, I found much of what he says resonated so strongly with me. Firstly, like some women with breast cancer, he was put on hormone therapy which…
Welcome New Members - 26th August 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @HelenYoungBCWARRIOR @Looner @arpha875 @Debby @SusanHarry67 @Shells30 @JoHobbs @roxmoxen @Seaturtle @mmell2 @JJ9 @Ninanani @Ly_6027 @TulipGirl @LatinGaby @Michelle_R123 @Jojo106 @RKC_86 @Hermione @SueX You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s…
Friday Update - 19th August 2022
Friday Update 19th August 2022 Hello to members old and new, Hope this Friday update finds you well. I’ll keep the information relatively short and sweet this week, however please reach out if there is anything else you would like to know or if we can support you further. Community highlights Popular forum discussions…
Welcome New Members - 18th August 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @BeatBB @Sharon21 @Jen22 @Tlwood12 @coranda @hoping97 @Amelia_66 @Haiz @Cora @Bee79 @Shelley_M @F1B1 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members…
Welcome New Members - 12th August 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Eve7 @cd85 @tnbcaupporter @Pamyosh @RJ_77 @Blomstre @Rosebud21 @Maivi @Locky1 @eunicew You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who provide…