Welcome New Members - 2nd June 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @kmaree @Kim2021 @CNew @srowe @shilocat22021 @BMJ59 @EFF @MillieR @Antamaria @khadkamanish92 @JasW @deakz @SezzyJ @SMW13 @Molly71 @Katz @Frida @GenK @Gonny You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum…
Friday Update - 27th May 2022
Friday Update 27th May 2022 Hello everyone, I hope you have had a chance to view some of our informative online events held in the past few weeks and thankyou to those who attended the Ballarat Forum yesterday. Further details of these events will be shared with you in this update. Thankyou to everyone who supported their…
Did you miss the Webcast: Managing long-term side effects of breast cancer treatment?
Hi all, If you missed the webcast on Tuesday night, you can now watch on-demand via the following link https://kapara.rdbk.com.au/landers/73f44c.html The webcast was well received and a topic that is relevant to many people navigating the side effects of breast. This webcast addressed common long-term side effects of…
Welcome New Members - 20th May 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Kelly_1982 @NikkiJ6 @Livinia79 @LJG @Skyelark @Amblam @Calm @Bern_C22 @jchristopher @VogonPoet @Dolloby @roxy8 @AlfieD89 @CLMARSH @TillsMont @SharrynB You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you…
Friday Update - 13th May 2022
Friday Update 13th May 2022 Hello members As mentioned in the last update, BCNA are getting back to face-to-face forums. Join us in Ballarat Thursday 26th May as we host a breakfast for people living with metastatic breast cancer and an information forum for people with early breast cancer (I will share the link and other…
Welcome New Members - 12th May 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @ziggystar85 @PetaSB @K_CEE @KWKW727 @Neomi @WinMac @NinaNeen @Siewli @FleurDK @NATWIRADJURIWemba @lovemoon @Fiona71 @Lakota @Abdhe @deCourcy @H20 @Shellie @table @Tammy_Mac @larosario You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online…
Welcome New Members - 28th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @AngelaJS @EllenW @Judith_S @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @Judith_S @Miffy1975 @Meli @ozmiriam @Dials_Mavis @Charmed64 @1_day_at_a_time @AZ79 @SisterLove @Natuls @Jac65 @akdickson @kedron @Pommy8 @MGello You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s…
Welcome New Members - 20th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Chicklet @ME2007_ @Djk @Gwyn @Mumofthree @elisel @Joanne_ @Mrsmacg @Juliebrian @angelajacksonsmith @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @AngelaJS @Judith_S @EllenW You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum…
Friday Update 15 April 2022
Friday Update 15th April 2022 Hello members I know…it’s Thursday. I deliver you an early Friday update as the BCNA office will be closed tomorrow for Good Friday. Wishing you a lovely Easter and however you mark the occasion, I hope it is with joy. I have been given the inside word on upcoming webcasts and ‘Ask the Expert’…
Welcome New Members - 8th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @FTA @SuzieAnne @Diamond_J50 @MummaPins @radiata @Al5t @heinemaj @Mamof2girlies @MMAN @Tip You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who…
Friday Update 1st April 2022
Friday Update 1 April 2022 Hello members Well, we have arrived in April already and I have some great content for you to check out in this update. Once again sending our thoughts to those in the flood effected areas, many of whom are still battling severe weather conditions. Take Care and stay safe. Community highlights…
Welcome New Members 30th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Ams @C98 @TLCFAM6 @Bexta @Connect @Sioux @exippy @squishy_pink716 @Salsi @terayzah @lamberly @Sixsoo @lilbets @September_Girl @Naomif @Hafsa @Violin56 @Emzz02 @myboobook @Kye01 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online…
Pink Bun Campaign - BCNA want to hear from you
Hello members, Have you been affected by breast cancer or know someone who has? BCNA would like to hear your stories as we prepare for the upcoming Pink Bun campaign kickstarting on the 27th April 2022. We welcome all member stories and if you happen to reside in a regional or remote location we encourage you to share your…
Welcome New Members - 18th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @greyhound @Borahae @Megan_Jane @Suse2022 @KLM64 @Kelsey86 @BronLilly @LauraLJ @RMJJ @Renee327 @SylviaM @Zameera @jessicai You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Friday Update 18th March 2022
Friday Update 18th March 2022 Hello members Apologies for the belated Friday Update. All BCNA staff and I extend our thoughts to Queensland and New South Wales flood effected members during this difficult time of recovery. If you hear of anyone that has lost their post-surgery bra, any items within their My Care Kit , need…