Friday Update 15 April 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
edited April 2022 in Community news and events

Friday Update 15th April 2022

Hello members 

I know…it’s Thursday. I deliver you an early Friday update as the BCNA office will be closed tomorrow for Good Friday. Wishing you a lovely Easter and however you mark the occasion, I hope it is with joy. 

I have been given the inside word on upcoming webcasts and ‘Ask the Expert’ subjects for the month of May that I can share. Also My Journey article updates and other BCNA news. 

Take care.

Community highlights

Popular forum discussions 

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that have been most active the past fortnight: 

Posts by ‘Category Name’ 1-14 April 2022 

Community News

BCNA News – Election 2022 

The 2022 federal election will be held on Saturday 21 May.  

This election presents an opportunity for BCNA to advocate for improvements to Australia’s healthcare system and health policies in the interests of people diagnosed with breast cancer.  

Over the next six weeks we will be calling on the federal government to commit to improving outcomes in six priority areas that aim to address the key challenges being faced by people with breast cancer today. 

Read  BCNA’s  Election Manifesto here: 


BCNA My Journey article updates  

  • Update on the COVID-19 vaccine. ATAGI has recommended that people over 16 who are immunocompromised have a winter booster COVID-19 vaccine.  People over 65 who are not immunocompromised and First Peoples over 50 should also have a winter booster. This booster is in addition to the booster which was recommended to be given after the primary vaccinations for COVID-19 CLICK HERE TO READ FURTHER  

  • A new article has been added to My Journey, called “Managing the cost of breast cancer”. It encourages people to develop strategies soon after a diagnosis of breast cancer, to help reduce the stress and worries about their finances and enable control of the potential financial impact CLICK HERE TO READ FURTHER  


Pandemic drives use of telehealth for mental health care 

The COVID-19 pandemic likely permanently increased the delivery of mental health counselling through telehealth, according to new research from Oregon Health & Science University CLICK HERE  


Hunting for a healthier Easter? (Cancer Council WA) 

Cancer Council have created some great ideas for Easter which may be of interest to some members; focusing on finding some active experiences, enjoying food together and getting crafty CLICK HERE  



Did you miss? – ‘Ask the Expert’ Living Well with Lymphoedema 

Thank you to everyone to tuned into Ask the Expert digital event with Maree O’Connor, on living well with lymphoedema. If you missed the event, the video is now available to be viewed on-demand. To view now and see all our previous digital events, click here: 

Coming Soon… BCNA will be launching registrations shortly for the upcoming webcast titled: “Managing long-term side effects of breast cancer treatment”. Then in another few weeks registrations will open for “Ask the Expert – Managing cognitive changes related to breast cancer treatments: strategies and tips”. STAY TUNED!  


Books / Movies/ TV Series/ Documentaries

Medical oncologist Ranjana Srivastava contends that the best medicine begins with a good chat, to guide the decision-making of both doctors and patients. Increasingly, people are unable to properly comprehend the complex treatment choices on offer, or are self-diagnosing and demanding unnecessary or risky procedures. Doctors, in turn, feel unable to deny the requests of patients and their families. Narrow specialisation also means no-one is discussing the overall picture of a patient's health (Winner of the 2013 Human Rights Literature Award). 


Have a lovely Easter everyone and if you have feedback or any concerns while online, please contact one of the moderators:   

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Anna_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you need to speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa, Jenny, Anna & Pat

"Even the smallest one can change the world." – Peter Rabbit 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Happy Easter to all the Mods & Members ......

    Hopefully the weather is kind to everyone over the Easter Break ... so you can enjoy the great outdoors, with family & friends. xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Best wishes to all