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Friday Update - 19th April 2024

Mez_BCNA's avatar
Community Manager
12 months ago

Welcome to the Friday Update,

March has flown by us already and we are half way through April! There has been alot of activity at BCNA including the Murray Bridge SA Information Forum, the World Indigenous Cancer Conference and BCNA's Think Tank . We are off to Tassie this month for two more information forums in Devonport and Launceston (Remember if you cannot attend in person, you can register to attend online).

We are also gearing up for Bakers Delight’s Pink Bun campaign in May - Its 20th year! Head into your local Bakers Delight between 9 - 29 May, where 100% of the sales from every Fun Bun sold helps BCNA support all Australians affected by breast cancer (Further details in the update on how you can get involved).

Take care and enjoy the update.

Community Highlights

Private Group 'Living with metastatic breast cancer'

On Metastatic Awareness Day 2022 - BCNA released an issues paper, Making Metastatic Breast Cancer Count.  In August 2023 we held a National Roundtable in Canberra, bringing together leading cancer and data experts to discuss a way forward. On Metastatic Awareness Day 2023 on 13 October, BCNA was proud to release Making Metastatic Breast Cancer Count - A Way Forward

This advocacy work has brought awareness to BCNA's support resources for metastatic breast cancer and also our very own private group here through the Online Network Living with metastatic breast cancer - which has seen many new members join to seek support and connection

Popular Forum Discussions 

If you have missed some of the most active discussions in the last few weeks, you can check them out via the links below:

Posts by 'Category Name' 1 Apr - 18 2024

Community News

BCNA joins international call to challenge enduring inequities in breast cancer care

An international report on global inequities in breast cancer care and to count the number of people with metastatic breast cancer was released by the new Lancet Commission on Breast Cancer this week. BCNA responded with a media release and social post. Read BCNA’s media release here.  

BCNA partners to seek wider access to precision cancer therapies

BCNA partners with other cancer groups to call for expanded access to innovative and effective precision therapies Read Further Details Here

Take part in research to improve our online services

Can you help us continue to improve our website and online services?

We’re working on a digital project to give you better access to information and support that is tailored to your personal preferences and experiences of breast cancer Read Further Details Here

My Journey - 'Targeted Therapies' (Articles updated)

Our goal at BCNA is to ensure people affected by breast cancer can access the latest information and resources.
We recently updated two articles in BCNA’s My Journey online tool about targeted therapies in early breast cancer and hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer to capture the emerging trends in treatments for breast cancer:

BCNA Think Tank 2024

After three incredible days of discussion and connection, we wrapped up our third annual Think Tank event on Wurundjeri Country in Naarm (Melbourne) 24-26 March.

BCNA's consumers from across Australia gathered to discuss the direction of BCNA's future to ensure we make the most difference to those affected by breast cancer.

Reflecting on this year's theme 'connection and social capital', Consumer Representative Naveena Nekkalapudi said, "It's important Consumer Representatives have a seat at the table when decisions are being made that pertain to us because there is no for us, without us".

Thank you to everyone who joined us either in person or virtually to discuss and share their knowledge.

Pink Bun Parties are back!

Will you help us support over 20,000 Australians who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year by hosting a Pink Bun Party between 9 - 29 May?

Get around Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and host a Pink Bun party your way this May, all to support BCNA!

All Pink Bun party hosts receive a FREE party pack, to help you pink up your party. This includes pink lady cut outs, posters, BCNA balloons, helpful information and a link to your own unique fundraising page.

After registering your party, simply call or visit your local Bakers Delight bakery and place your Pink Fun Bun order, where 100 % of Fun Bun sales during the Pink Bun campaign go directly to BCNA!

Hosting a Pink Bun Party is a great opportunity to come together with friends, family and colleagues to support all Australians affected by breast cancer.

So get around BCNA this May and register your Pink Bun Party today. Register now via the link Pink Bun Parties

Counterpart - Peer Support Volunteer

Counterpart have recently had a group of new volunteers begin their training. These amazing women have all had a cancer diagnosis of their own. Soon they will be joining Counterpart's lovely team of Peer Support Volunteers who patients can talk to over the phone, in their Resource Centre, or at one of the hospitals they visit through their Bridge of Support program. Find out more about peer support and how your patients may benefit from speaking to a Peer Support Volunteer on our website.

BCNA Forums/Webcasts

Recording Now Available! - Murray Bridge (SA) Information Forum

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) held an information Forum in March 2024 for people diagnosed and living with breast cancer and their supporters in Murray Bridge, South Australia.

The Information Forum covered topics including:

  • Current and emerging treatments
  • Managing emotional impacts
  • Lymphoedema

Watch all the videos here

Tasmania Information Forum

BCNA is coming to Tasmania as part of our free national Information Forum series. We are bringing leading experts to events in Devonport on Tuesday 30 April and Hobart on Thursday 2 May to talk on a range of breast cancer topics.  
Our events are for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer or who is living with or after a breast cancer diagnosis, as well as supporters. 


If you can’t attend in person, you can join us online. When registering, select ‘Information Forum – Attending Virtually’. The virtual session will be delivered via Zoom, and you will receive the access link one day before the event.  

If you require any assistance, please contact   

 We look forward to seeing you in person or online! 

Books/Movies/TV Series/Documentaries

VCCC Alliance held a webinar 'Women in Cancer' in conjunction with International Women's Day. A panel of inspiring women in cancer research and leadership share their stories on how they entered the field, as well as the motivations or experiences that have shaped their journey:

Women in Cancer - Inspiring Inclusion | VCCC Alliance Centre for Cancer Education (

The Mod Team - @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA @Daina-BCNA @Kate_BCNA @Denise_BCNA @Risha_BCNA @Georgie_BCNA

If you wish to speak with the Helpline team regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (AEDT), alternatively you can email 

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't" - Rikki Rogers
Published 12 months ago
Version 1.0
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