Struggling through Chemo

Rona Member Posts: 61
edited February 2024 in Newly diagnosed
Hi all,
My nurse has just introduced me to this group.
I’m hoping to connect and share my story and hopefully somehow feel better.
After being diagnosed and a short time later having a mastectomy and all lymph nodes removed, chemo started just before Christmas and I am struggling with it!
Ive got another 2 months of chemo before 5 weeks of Radiation…… would love to hear other stories.
I have a fantastic support group of family, friends and colleagues but they just can’t possibly understand what I’m going through.

Looking forward to connecting 😊


  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 241
    Hi Gorgys, yes I have the injection 24 hours after. No side effects for me so far and I've had 3. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 160
    Thank you Katie46. Good to hear and know that you did not have any side effects. 
  • Mareealso
    Mareealso Member Posts: 43
    Hi Rona, Lining up for my 3rd round of chemo this week. Try to develop a routine which includes absolutely crashing for a few days (which could be within 48 hrs of chemo or a couple of days later) and then slowly try to do a little more. My care team have given me all sorts of medication and I have been told to take it to prevent side effects rather than try to treat them after they emerge so I have followed that advice which, I think has helped. I keep  a  diary for side effect symptoms and for medication I have taken which helps the team to pin point when and what type of medication I should be taking and that has fine tuned"  my treatment. Hopefully your team are just as supportive! Remember to speak up if you are suffering and request something to help....!
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 241
    My paperwork says 1.5 hours for paclitaxel, and the nurse did say it was quicker. Maybe 4 hours is with the premed anti nausea stuff as well. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 160
    the same for me. 1.5 hrs for paclitaxel and the nurse said it will be quicker. My firsts AC sessions lasted 3.5 hrs for preparation, but infusion was only for one hour. As I will be taking medication for nausea at home before chemo, , I assume I will stay only 1 hour for second infusion. 
  • Rona
    Rona Member Posts: 61
    I’m having 4 cycles of Paclitaxel…..dose dense rather than 8 (not my choice). 
    I have my Oncologist appointment on Thursday and am going to speak with her regarding having it weekly instead as I’m so afraid.
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 241
    Hi Rona, it will be good to chat with your oncologist. I'm sure they will monitor you closely, and can tweak as necessary. I think we all have the same fears, particularly as they can't really tell how each of us will react to the treatment, so there is always that unknown element. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 160
    I have started searching  chemo side effects  on this network to find the previous responses. it makes easier as I can not always sit in front of computer and chat although I wish I could. Today, very tired, constipated, cold feet, palpitations. All is on the list to discuss with the oncologist tomorrow. Doing everything to keep it under control. 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @Rona and all replying,
    From someone six years down the track

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Rona
    Rona Member Posts: 61
    Hey GorgyS, my symptoms are very much the same.
    Im actually “ok” for the first 3 days after chemo then I start feeling bad. 
    I find day 5-10 the worst with the symptoms you describe along with headaches, bad taste, sore feet, peeling hands, cravings for food I wouldn’t usually eat and yes, those heart palpitations aren’t fun! 
    Are you having fortnightly infusions?
    I must say my second cycle hit me the worst, probably just trying to fight it! 
    Definitely talk to the professionals about your symptoms and keep taking the meds and of course reach out on here.
     I’m day 8 of my 4 th cycle and I still feel like crap with a blinding headache to go with it but……. tomorrow will be one day closer to the end 😊
  • Rona
    Rona Member Posts: 61
    Oh, another side affect I “had” was severe heartburn. This also started about a week after my first infusion. I chomped my way through pkts of quickeze till I mentioned it to the Oncologist and she put me on Pantoprazole. I take one every day and it makes a huge difference! Only on the odd occasion do I still need a quickeze.