What’s it like to be a guy with breast cancer?

traveltext Member Posts: 254
edited September 2022 in General discussion
Find out in may latest interview here:  https://youtu.be/m5B0RrpQDU0


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Thanks for sharing @traveltext. Shall check it out. 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Congratulations Rod ( @traveltext ) on another great interview highlighting the need for more awareness of breast cancer in men.  You guys have it so much harder than us women, we are expected to get it where you have to fight for any form of investigation.  Hopefully the interview will be picked up by media here.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    It's a great interview @traveltext. You are really doing a great job highlighting bc in men. Congratulations 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Well done @traveltext ... as you say, knowledge is power.

    Sadly one of my uke lady's husband was misdiagnosed and by the time he was correctly diagnosed as BC, sadly, he passed away a year later  :(  

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    edited April 2022
    If it was his testicles or prostate - I am sure they would have taken it further - but as it was his 'upper chest/breast' .... He was told his lump was nothing to worry about, so he didn't.  No ultrasound, biopsy or nothing, til it was too late & it had already metastasised ... 

    We definitely need some blue on the logo ..... someone put up a suggestion for a logo a while back - that incorporated blue trousers as well as the skirt - it was quite clever.  Not sure where I saw it tho!

    Here was one suggestion .... 
    Image result for it was never a dress

    Keep up the good work, Rod
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,528
    My sister in laws brother also died due to lack of diagnosis. He kept going back to the doctor with the lump in his breast and the dr refused to consider bc. His also metastasised before they found it. sadly, he also died.
  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 254
    Sorry to hear this @Blossom196. I really wish the charities made more effort is raising awareness of the genderless nature of breast cancer.
  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 254
    Yep, @arpie you've nailed it.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,191
    Thanks for sharing your fabulous interview @traveltext.

    Also take on board the feedback of the continued need for awareness through BCNA and will feed this back to the rest of the team.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hey @Mez_BCNA - will there be a blue bun thrown in with the pink buns for sale on pink bun days ???
    Just a thought .....
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,191
    Hi @June1952, good question. I will certainly pass onto the pink bun committee members.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Thanks @Mez_BCNA.  I am sure it is a small thing to many but it would help highlight the issue of breast cancer not only being a woman's disease.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I know the marketing mantra is when you are on a good thing, stick to it, but perhaps some thought might be given, next year, to a campaign that highlights that breast cancer affects all sorts of people, male, female, young, old, in-between, parents, grandparents and so on. ‘Buns’ in the US means buttocks, not really what we are on about, and I find that ‘buns’ seems to emphasise the sexual desirability of female breasts (not male) rather than the disease! ‘Hundreds and thousands’, on buns, or cupcakes, might give more colour diversity and highlight the sheer number of people affected. I appreciate that I’m in the minority, not liking the pink bun campaign much, but it does perpetuate the ‘women only’ myth. Regards. 
  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 254
    Great comments here. All efforts to promote the genderless nature of this disease are welcome. Pink everywhere, including on buns, does nothing but reinforce stereotypes.