Beautiful Flowers
I had breakfast with the lovely @tigerbeth yesterday. Look what she bought me from her garden:
Significant other
Hi. 6 days in on third round TC chemo. Hanging in OK, but quite teary and tired, so maybe making a mountain out of a molehill. But it's only me and hubby, surely it's not that hard to organise shopping and housework without fifty questions. It is sooo much easier to do it myself, although I have no energy. Also have…
Chemo and Guillain Barre Syndrome and r there any groups on Sunshine Coast, Coolum to Noosa Region?
Hi, I was only diagnosed with Breast cancer on 1 Aug and had a mastectomy plus 2 lymph nodes on 10 Aug with a further op on 16th to remove 15 more lymph nodes. Was diagnosed with Gr 3 multi focal DCIS, 5 tumours, largest 22mm in a cluster. total area 6 cm. Initially tested as triple negative but retesting shows 20%…
Thank you to a supportive friend
I had to share with you the wonderful handmade gift I received from a very clever friend today. It really lifted my spirits and as I wait for a ‘verdict’ on chemo therapy, it’s exactly what I needed. Thank goodness for creative, caring friends xx
Thank you for your support
I just posted a question about hair colour and it got me thinking about all of the people I've met on this site since December. I know that I've still got a lot of "new experiences" to come but looking back on the last 8 months of diagnosis, surgery and chemo, I couldn't have done it, and stayed relatively sane, without…
New video resource for parents diagnosed with cancer being trialled
Hi all, A few months ago, I posted about a new video resource the Royal Women's Hospital has developed to support parents with cancer to communicate with their children about cancer. The Royal Women’s Hospital is seeking to test this new resource and is recruiting adults from across Australia who are receiving cancer…
BCNA online forum - OUR Tribe of Brothers and Sisters going through BC or caring for someone.
I saw this beautiful image this morning while contemplating our community here online, This community is a community of Love and support to all who come to visit and often stay in the safe environment of this community. No one tries to outdo the other, but we each give of our knowledge and strength as those who come behind…
Encore Program - Central Coast NSW, April 26 - June 14
For ladies on the Central Coast of NSW, if you are interested in going along to the next lot of free YWCA Encore sessions, Term 2 starts on Thursday, 26th April, 11.30am-1.30pm at Erina, and they have some vacancies. You can enrol, or get further details by calling Vicki 02 9285 6264 or emailing: encore@ywcansw.com.au. For…
Counseling/Support Information- desperate to talk - while I try to put my life back together
Hi all I am on the north side of Brisbane looking for a centre that provides support, particularly counseling, diet advice, physiotherapy, acupuncture, other natural therapies etc would be a bonus. I have tried the following avenues: (Name removed as per Community Guidelines) - I went here for a massage and the service was…