Friday Update 1st April 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
edited April 2022 in Community news and events

Friday Update 1 April 2022

Hello members

Well, we have arrived in April already and I have some great
content for you to check out in this update.

Once again sending our thoughts to those in the flood effected
areas, many of whom are still battling severe weather conditions. Take Care and
stay safe.

Community highlights

March Online Network activity 

March saw the Online Network receive a total number
of 14,477 visitors to the community; 59 new members and 89 new

Popular forum discussions

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that have been most active the past fortnight:

1. Awake at stupid o’clock

2. I feel worse now
than when I was having radiation

3. Friday Funnies

credit @cranky_granny

4. Scanxiety - does
it ever REALLY go away?

Community News

BCNA News – Trodelvy approved for PBS

BCNA welcomes announcement to list
Trodelvy® (sacituzumab govitecan) to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Read the full article


– BCNA launches information for First Peoples

BCNA launches a series of new videos
in which First Peoples women from around Australia share their experiences with
breast cancer. Read the full article CLICK HERE


- BCNA launches LGBTIQ+ resources

BCNA launches a range of new
resources to provide LGBTIQ+ people diagnosed with breast cancer the information and support they need throughout the different stages of
their treatment and care. Read the full article CLICK HERE


for change ahead of the 2022 Federal Election

The 2022
federal election presents the opportunity for BCNA to advocate for improvements
to Australia’s healthcare system and health policies in the interests of people
diagnosed with breast cancer. BCNA has established six priority areas,
including17 specific recommendations, that aim to address the key challenges
being faced by people with breast cancer. Read full details via the link BCNA Election Manifesto


a Pink Bun Party!

BCNA and BakersDelight are excited
to announce the Pink Bun campaign is back in 2022! Pink Fun Buns will be
available at your local Bakers Delight from 28 April – 18 May and 100 per cent
of sales from ALL Fun Buns goes to BCNA. Register your Pink Bun event
now here:


Care Plan

I attended the VCCC
Alliance ‘Rethinking Survivorship’ virtual conference last week and was
reminded of the ‘My care plan’. This initiative of Australian Cancer Survivorship
Centre at Peter Mac is an online tool that can be used to create a
survivorship care plan after treatment for early-stage breast, prostate or
bowel cancer. The website is quick and easy to use, and freely available to
health professionals and patients


Ask the Expert: Living well with
lymphoedema with Maree O’Connor

At this Ask the Expert event, we will hear from lymphoedema
physiotherapist Maree O’Connor and BCNA Consumer Monique Bareham. Maree
has over 30 years' experience in lymphoedema management and physiotherapy
following breast cancer and Monique was recently announced as South Australia’s
2022 Local Hero for her advocacy for compression garments for lymphoedema after
her own personal experience of lymphoedema following breast cancer treatment.  Thursday 7 April 7:00 –
8:00 PM AEST.
Register now and
submit your questions to be answered on the night:

Podcasts - Upfront About Breast Cancer

 Ep 40: LGBTIQ+ experiences
of breast cancer and cancer care

Let’s be Upfront about the extra
challenges and different needs of LGBTIQ+ people when diagnosed with breast
cancer. Joining us for this episode of
Upfront is Jane Ussher and Natalie Halse. Jane is a Professor of Women’s Health
Psychology in the Translations Health Research Institute at Western Sydney
University and is the lead researcher in the recent ‘Out with Cancer’ Study.
Natalie is a registered nurse and a BCNA consumer representative with lived
breast cancer experience of a LGBTIQ+ person Listen via this link or
wherever you get your podcasts

Ep 41: Through a rainbow lens – Navigating breast
cancer as a LGBTIQ+ couple

Let’s be upfront about LGBTIQ+ communities that are affected
by breast cancer. We know that cancer doesn’t discriminate and depending on who
you are, and how you identify, your experience can be different. Joining
us for this episode is Mel Krollig and her partner Riki Owens-Bennett. Mel was
diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016 at the age of 36 and has had fertility
treatment, a single mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Riki works as a
community worker for the LGBTIQ+ communities in South Australia and has been by
Mel’s side during her breast cancer journey. Listen via this link or
wherever you get your podcasts


Books / Movies/ TV Series/ Documentaries

Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality

A moving account of
resilience, hope, fear and mortality, and how these things resonate in our
lives, by actor and advocate Michael J. Fox.

(I forgot I listened to this
fabulous book on Audible early last year and Michael narrates it beautifully).


Enjoy the update, take care and if you have
feedback or any concerns while online, please contact one of the moderators

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Anna_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you need to speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa, Jenny, Anna & Pat


“I don’t have any choice whether or
not I have Parkinson’s, but surrounding that non-choice is a million other
choices that I can make.”. –  Michael J. Fox