Friday Update - 19th August 2022

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,179
edited September 2022 in Community news and events

Friday Update 19th August 2022

Hello to members old and new,

Hope this Friday update finds you well. I’ll keep the information
relatively short and sweet this week, however please reach out if there is anything
else you would like to know or if we can support you further.

Community highlights

forum discussions

Members new and old may have missed some of the forum discussions that
have been most active the past fortnight:

1. Public
/ Private

2. Nose
still running

3. Sadly, Olivia
Newton-John has passed away, age 73

4. Oral chemo drugs

5. Going ahead Alone



Do you want to
inspire others or be inspired by other member’s artistic creations? Check out
the discussion thread Creative Corner. This was created
by members just for fun and expression, be it craft or drawing or photography, colouring-in, painting, creative writing (The list goes on).  


Posts by
‘Category’ Name’ 5 Aug 2022 – 19 Aug 2022

Community News

BCNA News 09 August 2022

We were saddened to hear of Olivia Newton-John’s death last week and paid
tribute in this news item Remembering Olivia Newton-John.
Our CEO, Kirsten Pilatti, and Director of Policy, Advocacy
and Support Services, Vicki Durston, also spoke with media outlets The Age,
Mamamia, ABC and 3AW about Olivia's dedication to looking after the whole
person and not only treating the disease - something BCNA is also passionate


BCNA Wagga Wagga – Online Forum

BCNA will be hosting an online
Information Forum for people living with breast cancer and their supporters - Living well with breast cancer online Information
Forum (

The Information Forum will cover a
range of topics including the latest in breast cancer treatment, managing your
emotional wellbeing after a breast cancer diagnosis, and how you can live well
during treatment and beyond. 

There will be three information sessions – one for people with early
breast cancer, one for people with metastatic breast cancer and one 

August Immunisation Awareness Month

BCNA would like to encourage our
network to be up-to-date on vaccinations as COVID-19 and influenza continue to
affect our communities as August and September often being the peak period
for influenza cases in Australia, being vaccinated remains the best way to
ensure additional protection from severe disease and reduce the burden on our
hospitals and health care systems. Read more here on BCNA’s
My Journey -

Surviving and
thriving after breast cancer treatment (The Medical Journal of Australia)

BCNA’s Seat At
the Table (SATT) representative Christobel Saunders has released publication
Surviving and
thriving after breast cancer treatment
that discusses the ongoing
challenges faced by people who have experienced a breast cancer diagnosis.


Counterpart recently shared their final Sept-Dec program for 2022 for
distribution WhatsOn_pdf_SeptDec_FINAL.pdf
. These events are free for women affected by breast or a gynaecological

Webcasts - Metastatic breast cancer on-demand recording available

If you missed the event, the video is now
available to be viewed on-demand

Here is a re-cap

437 registrations

130 live participants (29.75%)

The webcast addressed what is important
to know in those first few weeks after a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer
including navigating the health system, treatment options, identifying key
members of your treating team, and the support and care available to you.

Feedback from attendees:

·       "Great webinar BCNA! All the
speakers were BRILLIANT"

·       "Thank you to the facilitator for
thinking of raising single people! I feel we are so often overlooked in terms
of lack of supports. Thanks again!"

Books/Movies/TV Series/ Documentaries

This is a simple
new release fiction that was a good read for those who like a bit of story with
twists and turns. It was a New York Times bestseller:

Place Wrong Time

Take care everyone and if you have feedback or
any concerns while online, please contact one of the moderators -  

@Jenny_BCNA @Carissa_BCNA @Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA

If you need to
speak with someone regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258
alternatively, you can email

Take care,

The mod team – Mez, Carissa,
Jenny, & Pat

“I don’t know what my path is yet. I’m just walking on it.” – Olivia