Metastatic breast cancer and fear of cancer progression
Feeling anxious and frightened about breast cancer spreading further is common for people who have metastatic breast cancer. Many people worry what will happen if their treatment needs to change or what treatment options will be available to them if their cancer spreads. We've created a video series about the fear of…
Inspiration-Rising above
Hi everyone, this is my very first attempt of writing a post. I have read a lot of inspiring stories from a lot of inspirational women and thought I would try to share my story. I am on that crazy Breast Cancer Journey. It started back on the 16th December 2011, just over a week till Christmas, when I got the dreaded news…
Chest looking like it has caved after double mastectomy
hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this? for the last few days I have been feeling a "tugging" sore feeling over my mastectomy scar (double mastectomy 18 months ago, no chemo or radio). I checked the chest and I have an area beneath the scar on the chest wall that looks to have sunken. Any ideas what…
Hormone Therapy
Hi Everyone I am feeling very grateful today ,I have been on Femara and 4 weekly infusions of Zometa for 12 months now and the results for the scans were good, at 6months they worse. January 2016 I was diagnosed with er+pr+her- metastatic breast cancer with mets in my bones. I had the primary back in 2002 , found early…
Hair loss whilst not having treatment
Hi ladies, Has anyone experienced hair loss even though they are not having treatment? I am currently not on chemo or doing any treatment for my mets, yet in the last few weeks my hair is falling out. I haven't done any chemo since July this year when I took Xeloda for two weeks and ended up in hospital. Anyway my…
Reconstruction with active bone mets?
Today I had an appointment with my oncologist to get my recent PET results. My last PET three months ago showed that my bone mets were inactive and almost resolved. So, today I thought I was going to be told the same and could get my name on the waiting list for a reconstruction. However, I was told that my bone mets…
Immunotherapy for er+pr+ HER2-
it's wonderful to see that there are trials for triple negative metastatic bc. Are there trials for er+pr+ HER2- happening here at all? I have just returned from the Hallwang Clinic in Germany where I was given the GP2 vaccine as the Clinic tested my tumour which they sourced from Australia and I tested positive for HLA…
Hi ladies, Saw my oncologist today & he wants to put me on Faslodex injections. Is anyone else having these injections and any side effects? Thanks Ange
Duration of MBC?
Hi ladies - hope this question isn't too confronting, but I'd love to know how many years some of you have gone with "mets"??? One thing I struggled with at the outset was the "how long" question. I was diagnosed in Feb this year. The first oncologist mumbled about 10 years.... Obviously they don't know, and from what I…
Depression over Mets
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and thought I would share my story. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2012. A lump was removed then 2 weeks later I went back in to get the lymph nodes removed. All went well with the op and all but then a year later another lump was discovered in the other breast so back into…
Three weeks into my journey.
Hi everyone, i wanted to say hi and thank you to everyone for the useful comments puts on this page. I started my journey 3 weeks ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast after going to the doctor with a suspected hematoma to my breast after a simple fall. Sadly results came back with a diagnoses of…
Stable bone mets - rising tumour markers
I posted this on Saturday - not as a "New Discussion" but at the end of my previous one - oops, still negotiating the online network ! You may recall that I recently had a bone scan as I had some "renewed pain" in my pelvis and upper femur Sometimes it is painful just sitting on the lounge. More comfortable to stand…
3rd time - not so lucky .....
In 2003, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast. Lumpectomy (removal of lymph nodes which showed 6/15 were cancerous), followed by partial mastectomy due to non-clear margins (I did raise the question of a full mastectomy however my surgeon said "You are 37, young - I would advise against it).I underwent…