Just wondering if anyone on here has successfully claimed TPD insurance for Early Breast Cancer? Surgery x2/Chemo/Radiation, post treatment medication and more surgery needed next year. I am physicall…
Hi everyone :) I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Dec 7 and had a lumpectomy through a private hospital on the 15th. It all happened very fast and I am new to Australia so was trying to get my head…
Firstly, I hope everyone is feeling the best they can, and keeping positive... or doing whatever works for you if you're sick of people always saying "be positive" :) I feel really silly (and irrespon…
I was diagnosed just over a week ago. Amid all the shock, at least in the back of my mind I thought, at least I'm covered with HBF. It was only when I was sitting in the office at the private hospital…
Hi, I have not had private health insurance before and bit confused with it all. I was after some recommendations for PH insurance providers for when I proceed with my recon surgery.
After diagnosis of High Grade DCIS with Mastectomy required. My husband and I are both on the aged pension, and have struggled to maintain private health insurance. I live in a rural area which has no…
Has anyone had trouble getting life insurance approved after being diagnosed with BC? I have been refused Income Protection and Trauma Insurance and what Death cover I can get (with exclusions) is ver…
Hi, not sure but did someone comment that their private health provider wasn't going to let them claim on fat transfer / grafting costs but then after discussion said they could claim on their private…
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