Share your views: Information and support needs of people following treatment of breast cancer
Hi everyone, Erana from BCNA here! I’d like to invite you to participate in a research study opportunity led by James Cook University. Please see details below. If you can't access the QR code you can also follow this link Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management. If you have any questions or concerns regarding…
Pink Hope (Australia's Hereditary Cancer Charity) - Events
Robyn (Programs Manager) at Pink Hope wanted to share to several events they have got coming up that are are focused on supporting people with
hereditary cancer risk: (Sharing here in addition to the Hereditary Genetic Mutations and Breast Cancer group) * Fri June 21st – Community catch-up dinner Brisbane * Sat June 22nd –…
What can you call BCNA's Helpline for?
You can request a call back at Helpline
self-referral or email helpline@bcna.org.au
Free BCNA Information Forum in Murray Bridge, SA
We are heading to Murray Bridge, South Australia as part of our national Information Forum series. We are bringing leading experts to the local community to provide insights on a range of breast cancer topics. We extend an invitation to anyone located in or around Murray Bridge to join us on Wednesday 6 March for this…
Friday Update - 8th December 2023
Welcome to
December members, This may be a
good time to remind ourselves and those around us that the holiday season can
look different for everyone. If you’re struggling to feel those ‘festive’ feelings, please
be kind to yourself. Here are some strategies from the Cancer Council to help
make Christmas easier if you’re…
BCNA Information Forum - recordings available soon
Hi everyone, We are holding an Information Forum in Mission Beach on Tuesday 24 October, 9.00am - 3.00pm. This will be our last in-person Information Forum for 2023. The forum will also take place online, with sessions occurring in our main presentation room being shared live on Zoom. During the event, you will hear from -…
Friday Update - 1st September 2023
Welcome to spring everyone! It feels like Field of Women has flown by us, however I would love to provide a recap on the wonderful day that it was. We also have Policy & Advocacy news in relation to a new drug recommended on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS); Additionally, we have information on the 60-day…
Friday Update - 31st March 2023
Hi everyone, BCNA have been around town with the Port Lincoln and Warrnambool forums both being held in March. If you wish to watch the recordings when they become available, refer to the My Journey article https://myjourney.org.au/article/3662 Easter is just around the corner too. For those who observe the occasion, may…
The Beacon - 1st March 2023
Hi everyone, If you haven't checked your inbox yet, you should have received the latest issue #94 of The Beacon. Alternatively you can access it here via the link https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/the-beacon-magazine/issue-94-march-2023/ If you prefer to read it offline as a PDF there is a 'Download' option. Hope you…
Friday Update - 10th March 2023
Hello Online Network members, Hope you are enjoying a lovely Autumn day if you live in Melbourne; it truly is a beautiful season. Reflecting on some of the Online Network’s February activity, it was nice to see that the most activity has been visible in ‘Social Groups’ (private groups). If you have not checked out the…
The Beacon - 1st December 2022
Hello everyone, Well it is December already and the latest issue #93 of The Beacon is available now and should arrive in your inbox today. Alternatively you can access it here via the link https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/the-beacon-magazine/issue-93-december-2022/ There is also a 'Download' option if you prefer to read…
Friday Update - 7th October 2022
Friday update 7th October 2022 Warm greetings to members old and new. Sorry for the belated Friday update (public holidays and leave caught up with me!). Despite the continued rain drops left-over from winter days, you can certainly feel the touch of spring in the air as we make our way into October. BCNA has a lot of…
The Beacon - 1st September 2022 Edition
Greetings everyone, The latest issue #92 of The Beacon is available now and should arrive in your inbox today. Alternatively you can access it here via the link https://www.bcna.org.au/news-events/the-beacon-magazine/issue-92-september-2022/ There is also a 'Download' option if you prefer to read it as a PDF. Enjoy!
Friday Update - 2nd of September 2022
Friday Update 2nd Sept 2022 Welcome to September and the start of spring everyone. Hopefully you have all received your emailed copy of The Beacon. I will share details in this update on where you can read the latest edition. I will also touch on the ‘Living well with breast cancer’ online forums; policy and advocacy news;…
Friday Update - 22nd July 2022
Friday Update 22nd July 2022 Hi everyone, Welcome members old and new to the latest update. I hope you find the update and information provided useful. Please always feel free to provide feedback of information you would like to see, and I will always try my best to provide (Send me a private msg or comment in this…