Friday Update - 1st September 2023

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,155
edited October 2023 in Community news and events

Welcome to spring everyone!

It feels like Field of Women has flown by us, however I would love to provide a recap on the wonderful day that it was. We also have Policy & Advocacy news in relation to a new drug recommended on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS); Additionally, we have information on the 60-day prescriptions of the PBS medicines.

Please share your own Field of Women photos! We would love to see them (If you are happy to share).

Online Network Housekeeping: Several members have advised that sometimes emails from the Online Network (eg. notification emails) cannot be found in their Inbox. These messages will end up in your 'Junk' or 'Spam' folder, therefore it is a good idea to check those folders occasionally. Typically if you right click on the email and mark it as 'not junk' it will give you an option to 'Always trust this email'

Community Highlights

Popular Forum Discussions 

If you have missed some of the most active discussions last month, you can check them out via the links below:

Totally confused after seeking second opinion

need to connect

chemo question please?

Joining the shitty titty club...

Extreme weakness!

Posts by 'Category Name' 12 August - 31 August 2023

Featured Private Group - 'Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)'

Created only last month, the new Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) private group aims to connect together individuals who are diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Around 15 per cent of people with early breast cancer will have a sub-type called triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).  TNBC is a type of breast cancer that does not have any of the three receptors commonly found on breast cancer cells – the oestrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors. This means they don't respond to treatments that block these receptors. TNBC generally respond well to chemotherapy. Read more via the My Journey article Triple negative breast cancer

Community News

BCNA News 22 August 2023 – BCNA celebrates recent PBAC decisions

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) has welcomed a decision to recommend a crucial drug to treat early-stage triple negative breast cancer for a government subsidy CLICK HERE  to read more 

BCNA News 01 September 2023 – 60-day dispensing prescriptions of PBS medicines

Today BCNA welcomes the first day of 60-day dispensing for certain medications. This will make medicines cheaper for people living with chronic disease, including those with breast cancer.  Although not in the first tranche, we look forward to hormone-blocking therapies used to treat some types of breast cancer being included in future rollouts of the program. Read our media release here. 

This morning, Federal Health Minister Mark Butler talks to ABC RN Breakfast about the changes. You can listen to the interview titled: 'Scare campaigns complete rubbish': 60-day pharmacy scripts introduced' here 

BCNA Social Post - Asking for a second opinion

This is such a common topic and question we hear on the Helpline, therefore I thought I would share the social post here in the Friday update as well:

We are often asked if it’s OK to get a second opinion from another health professional – whether that’s an oncologist, surgeon, GP or other health professional.
Some people tell us they don’t want to offend their health professional or may not know how to go about requesting a second opinion.

While you may initially be referred to a particular health professional, you do not need to stay with them. If you are unhappy about who you have been referred to, or just want to speak to someone else, it’s a good idea to seek a second opinion.

When telling your health professional that you'd like a second opinion, be upfront and direct. Most will welcome a second opinion – they may even suggest it themselves.
Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below. For more information on getting a second opinion:

Daily Mail Major change coming to telehealth appointments from today

Telehealth appointments are an important part of Australia's healthcare system with millions accessing the service every year. But there is one major change coming to telehealth appointments that patients need to know about CLICK HERE  to read more 

Field of Women

Reflecting on my first Field of Women, it was truly a wonderful day. I was humbled by the many lovely people who crossed my path and stood beside me on the MCG. The strength and sense of community I'll never forget. There were smiles, tears and moments of personal reflection I could see on people's faces; arms around each other in support and bright colours to shine a light on breast cancer. Thankyou to everyone who shared their story and I hope you enjoyed the day.

You can now view photos and videos from the day via the links below:

View photos here
View live stream recording here
BCNA Staff survey - Field of Women 2023 

Here is my own little memory that I love from the day:

BCNA Forums/Webcasts

Coffs Harbour Information Forum

BCNA is hosting an Information Forum in Coffs Harbour on the 7th of September 2023 for everyone affected by breast cancer, including their supporters, covering a range of vital topics CLICK HERE to register (Note: If you are unable to attend in person, you can still join us virtually. When registering, select ‘Information Forum – Attending Virtually’. The virtual session will be delivered via Zoom, and you will receive the access link one day before the event).

Books/Movies/TV Series/Documentaries

Great to see information about the upcoming Coffs Harbour Forum in the local news this week Coffs Coast News Of The Area 1 September 2023 - News Of The Area

Thankyou for taking the time to read the update. Please take care and if you have any questions or feedback please messaged of our Online Network moderators below:

@Pat_BCNA @Mez_BCNA @Risha_BCNA @Denise_BCNA

If you wish to speak with the Helpline team regarding your concern, please call 1800 500 258 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (AEST), alternatively you can email 
The mod team - Mez, Jenny, Pat, Denise and Risha

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become". - Carl Jung


  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 138
    In regards to second options- its also important to ask if your case has been to a multi disciplinary team meeting for review. Most major hospitals have a team meeting with nurses, oncologist, radiotherapist, surgeons,senior pathologists etc, and if there is any uncertainty about the course of action for a particular case, then they bring it to the meeting to discuss and review from different viewpoints before they tell the patient the treatment plan. I , and many others, found that very reassuring as a patient to know that multiple doctors had had input on my recommend treatment plan.Plus if/when things change as often happens with side effects and other things that cause a treatment plan to change, that forum is available to the doctors. Plus we all have the benfit of the  100s and 1000s of women who have gone before us to test the many treatments and give the doctors the data to help predict for our best possible outcome.