Plan B Conference
I'm on the train slogging my way in from the outer-east. Rude shock getting up at 0630! I hope everyone's making their way to the Glasshouse, fully clothed (you know who you are ;) ) and keeping dry. I know the weather is peak Melbourne winter but I'll never complain about the rain.
Newly Diagnosed. So many things to do!
Hey everyone, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 37 and have had Lumpectomy and Sentinal Node Biopsy. Good news is that it was removed successfully with margins clear and nodes are negative. It is Grade 3 though so still need to go through Chemo, Radio etc. Just wanted to see if anyone was in the same position as me as I am…
Finding Happiness In The New Normal
I'm in the process of rebuilding my life after BC. My internal and external life. The oncologist says the physical recovery from chemo will take about a year. I'm at the three month mark from the bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction and feel more or less physically recovered though my belly is still quite tight.…
Why are people so mean?
I'm trying really hard to structure my new normal. I'm putting myself first a little more, I'm saying yes to lots of things I wouldn't have done before, I'm trying to give back, and I'm doing nice things for myself because life's too short not to, right? One of these things is to buy myself fresh flowers every week.…
hi everyone.. its been a lttle while since I have been on the forum, I hope you are all as good as you can be.... My surgery for early lobular cancer was the 31st of May. I know we have to wait for this and that, My Radiation for 6 weeks starts on the 14th of August.. The other night I had a really strong pain like a…
Morning - As some of you may know from my last post, I have put myself on a break from the forum as I take stock of where I am at and be in the background for my baby sister who has just been diagnosed with cervical cancer. However, over the weekend I did some selective reading and found a couple of threads that were…
Feeling numb & sad as cancer is spreading
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2015. I was told it had spread to my liver & lymph nodes in my chest. The cancer started slowly growing in my liver last year, so tried two different types of chemo. Abraxane didn't work at all so was taken off that within 6 weeks. I was on Eribulin for around six months.…
Today's lesson
On an earlier post someone on here upset me and I reacted - not a good look! The comment was around grape juice and I don't drink - has nothing to do with religion or anything else for that matter. Personal choice and I am always the nominated driver when we go out and about with others. We have a friend who's wife was an…
INVISIBLE WOUNDS and The Power of Words.
I have a sad but true story about somebody who thought his feelings weren't valid or acceptable. At 3am one morning a man turned up at his home in a taxi. His wife didn’t expect him, surely somebody would have told her he was coming. He was snuck in under the cover of darkness, without announcement, so he wouldn’t have to…
Research opportunity: Survey about the well-being of people affected by breast cancer
Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a research project you may be interested in participating in. Researchers at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) are conducting a project aimed at finding the best ways to collect information about people’s health and well-being after receiving a…
Long messy ramble - fertility after BC - needed a vent (thanks & sorry!)
Well once again I havent stopped by here for a while. I have been feeling too sad and needed to get my thoughts sorted out a bit better before trying to write it out. (this website is very cathartic) In December I decided to be proactive with the idea of starting a family since I had been given permission to stop taking…