Newly Diagnosed
Hello lovely ladies, I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago following after a routine mammogram. At the call back session at BreastScreen they told me I had breast cancer and had to wait the agonising week to find out results of a FNA of axillia. A week later diagnosis was confirmed Moderately differentiated invasive ducal carcinoma…
Masectomy no treatment
4 months ago I had a bilateral masetomy and reconstruction. I also had lymph nodes removed. Luckily the nodes came back clear and I didn’t have to have treatment or medication. At the moment all the past emotions have come back and I feel really emotional. I work in childcare and have become very protective of my chest…
Plan B Conference
I'm on the train slogging my way in from the outer-east. Rude shock getting up at 0630! I hope everyone's making their way to the Glasshouse, fully clothed (you know who you are ;) ) and keeping dry. I know the weather is peak Melbourne winter but I'll never complain about the rain.
Finding Happiness In The New Normal
I'm in the process of rebuilding my life after BC. My internal and external life. The oncologist says the physical recovery from chemo will take about a year. I'm at the three month mark from the bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction and feel more or less physically recovered though my belly is still quite tight.…
Helping a friend
Hi everyone - it's been some time since I've been on here. It's 4 years since my diagnosis, mastectomy & chemo treatment. I feel really good, although there's always that little fear that lives in the back of my mind - I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. On Saturday one of my girlfriends told me she has been…
Hi all Since chemo has begun, i feel life is different. Im anxious alot fearing what is going to happen next. I havent been going out and just feeling blah. Today whilst feeling like that a friend turned up. I cried on her shoulder and she gave me a canvas with never give up on it. I felt much better and she is going to…
Why are people so mean?
I'm trying really hard to structure my new normal. I'm putting myself first a little more, I'm saying yes to lots of things I wouldn't have done before, I'm trying to give back, and I'm doing nice things for myself because life's too short not to, right? One of these things is to buy myself fresh flowers every week.…
Panic attacks
I've just been diagnosed and have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday. It is my daughters birthday on Sunday so none of my family apart from my partner and one or two close friends know. Surgery will be next week. My daughter is coming over so I can do her hair - trying to keep it together and have hidden any…
I Can't Blame the Lack of Sunshine...
It's been a beautiful day - Spring in the middle of Winter - but it might as well be overcast and dark. It takes so little to cloud over any positive feelings I have. I finally got myself to the phone this morning to make the appointments to get me to a psychologist as I need to have a health care plan done. I'm pretty…
hi everyone.. its been a lttle while since I have been on the forum, I hope you are all as good as you can be.... My surgery for early lobular cancer was the 31st of May. I know we have to wait for this and that, My Radiation for 6 weeks starts on the 14th of August.. The other night I had a really strong pain like a…
Panic Mode
Hi Everyone, I am 48 years old and have been diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. I am scheduled to have a bilateral mastectomy this Tuesday 24/7/18. Any further treatment to be determined after surgery. I am at the beginning of my breast cancer journey, and somewhat aware of the difficulties ahead for me. My mother…
Thank you for your support
I just posted a question about hair colour and it got me thinking about all of the people I've met on this site since December. I know that I've still got a lot of "new experiences" to come but looking back on the last 8 months of diagnosis, surgery and chemo, I couldn't have done it, and stayed relatively sane, without…