Back off please
How do I tell a someone to ease up on the questions, especially when I don't even have the answers myself Its a close friend so I don't want to hurt her. but it feels like a million and one questions every day. I know this is never going to go away but I would like a day where can at least put it in the background.
Freaking out a bit
Hi, It’s been a while since I’ve been on here....mainly because I cope best by not thinking about the cancer. (Diag dec 2017...stage 2. +Hormone -Her - Lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen) But, over the past 6 weeks, I’ve developed tinnitus, dizziness and bad headache) I’ve been to the ENT who has referred me for a head…
I would like to connect with other carers....
This discussion was created from comments split from: Community Guidelines September 2019.
Newly diagnosed .. Glad I've found a safe place
Hello everyone, Glad I've found a safe place where I can vent and talk to others that understand. I had a routine mamogram and they found a large mass or lump, so I had to have a core biopsy and lymph node biopsy, boy I dont want to go through that again, it wont hurt they said!😣 I've had my bone scan and now waiting to…
Breathing Techniques for Anxiety
Cancer is a Part of Me
I have been living with cancer now for 13 years. It would be stupid of me to say that cancer has not changed me over the years. My illness is terminal but treatable and I still have a very good quality of life. I now accept cancer as part of my being. It has certainly affected me physically and mentally. During my journey…
Oncotype Dx test
Hello everybody, I'm new to this webpage. Sadly 3 weeks ago diagnosed with BC, I'm 47. I decided for full mastectomy and my results were good for to be able to do Oncotype DX test. I'm having first app. with oncologist this Thursday, will go ahead with the test and hope all goes well. I'm having couple questions, if…
For a Cheer up
when your alone and overwhelmed and need a bit of a giggle scroll through Friday Funnies definitely lifts the mood to pick a random number and lighten up so sleep will come.
Living in fear
I was diagnosed earlier this year, i had surgery and just finished chemo now on radiation. Doctors said after treatment the chance of reccurrence is low but since day one im living in fear of the cancer coming back and i dont know how to cope sometimes i just sit and cry when no one is at home.
An Onerous Life
Once I was declared clear of cancer in April 2018, 1 year after diagnosis, I slowly dropped out of the BCNA forum. I found every new story to be more distressing than the last and I couldn't hold back the tears to read. I felt I had nothing further to offer other than negative things, my life was not getting any prettier.…
It’s back for the third time 💔
Hi ladies, Some of you might remember me. I had DCIs for the first time in 2013 at the age of 22 years old, had a lumpectomy only not further treatment which is something I questioned back then and now still although I was brca 2 positive. September 2017 I had recurrence DCIs again in the same breast my only option was…
Newly Diagnosed - glad to learn of this Network!
Hi, another new one here. I have just received my news and am awaiting an appointment with a surgeon, and also waiting on further results. I am going public as I don't have private health. My mother had breast cancer and during treatment she also found out she had bowel cancer. Mum is still with us 20 years on, so this…