Feeling like a failure
Hi. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts, two weeks ago and am heading in for surgery on the 13 February. I am having a bilateral mastectomy. To be honest l am not overly concerned. I am very over weight and have very big heavy breasts. I have absolutely no self esteem when it comes to my body anyway so it is…
Anxiety is a BITCH - as is depression
ANXIETY IS A BITCH All because someone said or did something, along comes that feeling, the tight chest, the unease etc... sometimes you don't even know what triggered it, it just hits you. Then you feel anxious about the anxiety! This in turn can lead to depression. So - That is how it starts - and the first step would be…
Does the mental pain for having had breast cancer ever leave. I know I am not coping with having had cancer, having 2 mastectomies, having had chemo, living with the nephropathy pain, having a very uncomfortable expander in while waiting for the next surgery, having to work full time through all my treatment, being bullied…
Another step in the right direction!
Yay!! My final.visit to breast surgeon today. After 5 and a half years on hormone therapy, given only a small met to one node and osteoporosis in spine, she says she is happy for me to stop taking tablets! Now to see if some aches and pains go away. One more visit t o oncologist in September and fingers crossed, thats it!…
Had a mammogram and ultrasound on 30th Dec after noticing increased density in left breast. Got a phone call on the drive home. I live one hour away from larger medical facilities. I’m 47 .Married. 3 boys, youngest just turned 18 and live in a small country town .Had the biopsy later followed by lumpectomy in Sydney ( 4…
I made my 5 year milestone from my 2nd diagnosis :)
Hey All! Been a very long time since I've posted in the main Forum, however I felt it important to share this. My first diagnosis was in 2011, I underwent a lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen. 4yrs later at my routine yearly checkup, I was diagnosed with a recurrence in the scar tissue of the lumpectomy :( it was a 2.5cm…
Hi All. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, and had chemo, radio and left masectomy. I have just recently had a preventative right masectomy and reconstruction. My question is, can it be possible for PTSD to develop in my now 3 year old following my most recent surgery? I thought she was oblivious during the…
First time I have cried
Hi Everyone I was diagnosed with HER2 Positive Breast Cancer a month ago ... some minor tears while having an appointment with my surgeon, but nothing significant in the way of tears until today .. I had my first chemo session Thursday , 09/1/20 , manged to get through the worst 2 days, Saturday and Sunday , no tears ..but…
Breast Cancer & it's psychological affect on your Mental Health
I haven't listened to the broadcast .... but this is very much a topic close to our hearts. Our diagnosis and treatments really DOES muck with our brains ...... sometimes, longterm, even forever. PLEASE - if you are in any sort of turmoil with your treatment, make sure you chat with the helpline here 1800500258 or try &…
Hiding in plain sight
Hi everyone, just a ‘newbie’ here. My name is Julie & I was diagnosed with ILC on the 11th Dec 2019 & so far it’s been full on, appointments....appointments & one more scan, biopsy after another. Truth was, I was at the end of a very long work year & getting ready for a month long holiday mode & then my world was turned…
Rural surgeon vs city surgeon
Hi ,Newly diaganosis Friday the 13th DCIS, very scared and anxious, what’s people’s thoughts on surgeons in rural areas or should I go to Sydney , from western NSW