Jenpri Member Posts: 15
edited January 2020 in Health and wellbeing
Hi All. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, and had chemo, radio and left masectomy. I have just recently had a preventative right masectomy and reconstruction. My question is, can it be possible for PTSD to develop in my now 3 year old following my most recent surgery? I thought she was oblivious during the initial treatments. But since my latest surgery, her behaviour is dreadful and her sleep is terrible. It’s totally heartbreaking and I don’t know what to do about it. Thank you 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Dear @Jenpri

    Three year old behaviour can be unpredictable at the best of times  - old enough to want/need/prefer/dislike and not old enough to fully articulate or comprehend same wants and preferences. Trauma perhaps but more possibly separation anxiety, a growth spurt causing sleep disturbance, or reaction to a climate of some changes to routine or the general atmosphere of the household. You’ve been through a lot and young children are very receptive/reactive to unexplained change. Perhaps time, closeness, reassurance and patience will get her over this phase. Does she go to creche or daycare? Is there anyone else with daily interaction with her you can talk to? Best wishes.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    Hi @Jenpri Everything @Afraser says. I totally agree. Just love her even when she says she hates you. Children are very unpredictable and unexpected changes in people around them turn their little lives upside down. Big hugs.

  • Jenpri
    Jenpri Member Posts: 15
    Thank you so much for your messages and reassurance. Really appreciate it xxx
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Hi @Jenpri - I don't know your child but my experiences as a Mum plus a few decades as a kindergarten, pre-primary and Year One teacher suggest she is experiencing quite severe anxiety. If she was older she might be able to say to you, 'Mummy I'm feeling frightened because you've changed, our routine's been interrupted and its making me feel very wobbly, its like something's wrong and I'm angry because I have no understanding or control.' Disturbed sleep in a three year old is a signal  - maybe call the Cancer Council or BCNA to talk this through. In the meantime remind yourself that as Afraser said, three year olds are very unpredictable - the food and toy they loved yesterday will trigger a tantrum today! Hugs to both of you!!!
  • Red1
    Red1 Member Posts: 23
    My kids played up a treat when I went through youngest one has some anxiety issues I'm sure have been compounded buy trips to Drs and hospital..your local child health nurse may be of assistance or somewhere like helping minds and head space help younger kids and often run workshops..and yes kids are very resilient but they also can sense when things are wrong too. 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Jenpri
    I am sorry to hear that your 3 year is having trouble settling post your surgery.  I have attached the Cancer Council booklet 'Talking to kids about cancer'.  Its a great booklet and has age related information and some tips as to how to manage issues or find support.  Take care of you and your family