Newly Diagnosed - glad to learn of this Network!

aussiee13 Member Posts: 13
edited October 2019 in Newly diagnosed
another new one here.  I have just received my news and am awaiting an appointment with a surgeon, and also waiting on further results.  I am going public as I don't have private health. 
My mother had breast cancer and during treatment she also found out she had bowel cancer.  Mum is still with us 20 years on, so this gives me hope.  I have also received a positive bowel screening result so am awaiting a colonoscopy (which I may not have to have now apparently?)
Anyway it gets worse.. 
I also have had chest pains recently and it's been discovered I have a blocked artery which needs dealing with before anything else - this is why I haven't had my colonoscopy yet - they wouldn't do it till my heart is fixed. 

I ALSO have extremely bad teeth issues and this concerns me.

As you can imagine, my emotions are all over the place - everything has reared its ugly head at once, and I feel very overwhelmed. 

My father is very ill and Mum is caring for him.  She does not want to take my calls, hasn't spoken to me since I told her about the bowel screening result.  She does not need bad news (things are bad for dad and it's very very sad and painful for mum to deal with) - so.. mum has NO clue I have breast cancer or that I was waiting on results - she only knows about the possibility of the bowel cancer.
My family live in another state.  I only have my 2 sons here in Melbourne, my friends network is not huge.

So.. I got all that out.   You will probably hear from me more.  I just wanted to get it out in the open now as I will possibly be all over the place once things get started. 

For now, I am a bit numb - and I am ANGRY that my summer is going to be ruined.  I LOVE swimming on the beach, I had booked 6 weeks of leave from Christmas to enjoy summer to the fullest and it looks like there may be some changes.  Darn :( 

Oh well.. enough from me for now - hoping to get to know a few of you, and so grateful there is this safe place for us. 

I wish you all well <3



  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi @aussiee13 and I am happy you found us. None of us want to deal with what we have been given but this forum will help you get through it. Vent when you need to, brag when you want to. You are with a family of sisters here with a couple brothers thrown in to remind us that BC is not selective. I am not sure why they would choose not to do the colonoscopy as the sooner they get the polyp out the better. Once your heart issues are settled, they will work out the next step from there. A polyp removal is over and done with so quickly but your medical team will know what order of steps to take. Big hugs as you wait for the next step. The waiting is the hardest but we are all here for you. @tigerbeth are you able to discuss with aussiee13 our movements for our Oct get together in Melbourne? She may wish to join in for one or two activities..
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    What a bugger, @aussiee13 - you've copped a triple whammy so far!    Fingers crossed that the bowel thing is a fake result & the chest pains can be treated with something thru the groin ..... so you can get on with your BC treatment!  

    It may seem trite - but do try & keep really busy as all this is going on, doing the things you love ..... as the waiting for everything really IS the pits.

    It is a shame your family situation is complicated as well & understand your reluctance to tell your Mum & Dad - but the fact she is still here is a good sign, after her own challenges 20 years ago!  I hope your boys are supportive of you!  What are their ages?

    We have lots of members in Melbourne who will jump on & fill you in on the different support services available to you ..... 

    Yep, being angry & overwhelmed is totally normal - ask to be referred to a psychologist if you are feeling 'more' than overwhelmed ..... they will be able to give you strategies to help cope.  BCNA also has a helpline you can ring 1800500258 to chat with cancer nurses here who may also be able to fill you in on what may help smooth out your path.  

    All the best with your upcoming appointments  xx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Take some comfort from the fact that the majority of ‘positive’ bowel screenings aren’t cancer - it is of course possible (and very treatable if caught early) but it also could be a lot of other things such as haemorrhoids or polyps.  One step at a time - the blocked artery first. Then find out what your bc diagnosis is and what treatment is required. Now’s the time for your sons to lend a hand, your mother does not need any more news at the minute, best to wait till you know more, feel you can deal with it and then decide how much she needs to know. Best wishes. 
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    Hi @aussiee13 - so glad you found this network. 

    Sorry to hear about everything you’re going through on top of your diagnosis. 

    You’ll find this forum a Godsend. There’s always someone online that you can have a chat with, seek advice from or just ‘vent’ to. 

    Wishing you only everything of the best. Xx
  • aussiee13
    aussiee13 Member Posts: 13
    Thank you all for your beautiful responses.  I have known many who are cancer survivors which is a comfort to me.  The thing I am now realising is what it is really like to have this diagnosis yourself.  As someone on the outside looking in, I had no idea of the feelings we go through, or what we may want to hear from others, what support we want.  I guess I will now learn all of that.  My support person at the breast clinic had lung cancer, she is now clear, she handled her diagnosis very differently in that she told nobody but her family.  I am choosing to let colleagues know also as work is a very large part of my life, and I plan to continue for as long as I can during treatment. 
    I am grateful to now have this safe place, and thank you again for your replies, it means the world to me <3 
    Going out today for my 'every sunday' brunch with an ex neighbour who is in shock from my news - I think it's just as hard for family and friends, just in a different capacity.

    XX <3
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @aussiee13,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Sorry To hear what you’re going through.
    You are in the right place here on this wonderful forum.   I was diagnosed in July....had just retired and I  can totally relate to being bummed out over a different summer than I wanted :'(