New Online Network - Important Information (Please read)
We’re thrilled to let you know that we are launching a
new-look Online Network platform that will be easier-to-navigate and enhance
your experience with us, while still allowing you to connect with others going
through a similar breast cancer experience. So that our team are able to migrate your information over
to the…
EMOJI ('Reactions')
Hello members, In a recent unrelated discussion thread there has been a clear dissatisfaction expressed with the current emojis (aka reactions) available or not available to you when communicating in the online network. In relation to the 'hug' emoji, this was an organisational decision to include the hug reaction as it is…
Friday update 5 November 2021
Friday update 5 November 2021 Hello members, Well, can you believe we are in November already? Spring weather has been in full swing in Victoria with such variety of days; how is your part of the world? Thankyou again to all members who shared their stories, resources and support during October breast cancer awareness…
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Hello members, As many of you are aware, it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is Australia’s leading consumer network. We connect, support and empower Australians affected by breast cancer. We enable connections within our broad network to ensure no one feels alone. We…
Friday update 24 September 2021
Friday update 24 September 2021 Hello members, Well, we have had an interesting week here in Victoria with an earthquake that was felt across the State and by some of our neighbours in New South Wales, Canberra, Adelaide and Launceston – Did you feel it? It is also a public holiday here today in Victoria therefore the BCNA…
Is a blog over the top?
Hi, I'm Kirrilee, I don't even know any answers to fill in the journal page about myself. I know nothing about anything yet. This is what I do know. I have grade 3 aggressive breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and some nodes taken on Thursday (21st Jan). I have another appointment with the surgeon on Friday. I didn't mean…
Tempered Conversations
Whilst I thoroughly agree that this is a terrible time in our lives I sometimes read posts and wish ladies would read and re-read their posts before hitting the button. Think how you were feeling at the beginning - is what you are saying really what you wanted to hear just then and is it expressed in a gentle manner ? Yes,…
Friends say the dumbest things
I have chosen to tell a select few friends for support but now wondering about a couple of those. I guess time will tell who is who on this with me. I was feeling emotional 3 days after surgery and phoned a friend. After asking how I was and me explaining how confronting it all was this friend said 2 things: 1. Join a…
Breaking up with your oncologist
hi all, im new to this forum and about half way through my AC/taxol chemo ‘journey’. I’m a stage 3 triple positive, on the menu is chemo, mastectomy, radiation, hercepton and likely neratinib (when I get sick of constipation and want to change it up a little). I have an oncologist and whilst she is nice, I just don’t feel…
Keeping family and friends informed
Hi everyone, Another newbie - routine mammogram in mid Oct, biopsy then diagnosed Nov 21 with invasive ductal carcinoma (13mm). Surgery planned for Jan 2 - lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy then radiotherapy and hormone blockers after. I feel fairly well informed with whats going on and not freaking out too much (today…
How do you tell people and what do you tell ?????
Diagnosed today with Stage 1 Cancer, and already had so much good advice from this forum, my brain hasn’t stopped and now have no idea how to tell family, friends, work - do you do a Facebook status / LinkedIn / twitter post .... do you call? .... should I wait ? Should I give them a link ? Will it upset them ? My poor…