DIEP reconstruction
Hi. I am just wanting to hear how other people's recoveries have been after DIEP reconstructive surgery. I had surgery in July last year. I ended up in ICU for 10 days the week after with an infection in a lymph node in my groin. I became septic and nearly died. I have experienced nothing but discomfort since. My stomach…
Flat or Implants ?
Hello! I was diagnosed in August ‘22 have just finished 6 chemo rounds with 12 more Herceptin treatments to go. My surgery is Feb 23 for a double mastectomy. I am considering immediate recon with implants and am seeking any advice you may be able to share with me based on your own experiences with implants. Thank you 🙏…
Reconstruction or not
https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/posing-naked-after-my-mastectomy-made-me-accept-my-body-20221004-p5bn6h.html Read this article with interest. I did go down the Reconstruction path, not everyone does, it's a very personal thing
Reconstruction decision making
Post from @Spring copied from the Activity section.
Newspaper Article on Cancelled Reconstruction surgery due to Covid ...
Who's reconstruction surgery has been postponed due to Covid - and not rescheduled yet? First paragraph in the last column is interesting - do we consider Australia as being an Asian country?
Recommendations - Brisbane surgeons
Hi everyone, I am not actually sure if I am allowed to ask this or not (admin please delete if not appropriate) but I was hoping to get some recommendations (or otherwise) of Breast reconstruction surgeons in Brisbane, ideally who operate at The Wesley. I have seen 3 already and am confused and indecisive. I think I will…
Delayed DIEP Flap - Questions regarding anesthesiologists and fees.
Hi everyone, I have not been here online for a long time. Hope you are well. I have been waiting for my breast reconstruction on the public queue since before COVID hit and have been told that all delayed breast recon has been on hold and right now there is a lot of backlog to clear. Recon is only happening to those who…