DIEP fails in surgery
Hi everyone, just wondering if any one went in for a Double DIEP surgery and because there were complications had to have a double TRAM instead? My surgeon is saying if I start with a DIEP I have to be accepting of the possibilty of TRAM flaps. Plus, he tells me, only 20% of DIEPS are successful??? Help, so confused Jodie
Hello and goldilocks mastectomy
Hi all, I was diagnosed with extensive DCIS in my right breast last month, after my first ever mammogram. I’m 47, have 3 daughters (12, 9 and 4) and live in a rural area. 48 hrs after my diagnosis I travelled to Canberra to meet my surgeon who referred me on for an MRI as well as PET and CT scans. I have a small invasive…
Going public - will I have any choices
Hi all - I received a call last week telling me that my biopsies show cancer in one of my breasts. It's not a total surprise as there is a very strong family history of it - I always felt like a ticking time bomb. Regardless, I feel like a bit of a zombie at the moment, the situation is consuming me. The shock of it and…
What’s happening in choosing breast reconstruction….
What’s happening in Choosing breast reconstruction. Hi all, Just a quick reminder for those who belong to the choosing breast reconstruction group but haven’t popped over recently to have a look. We have a member who is still in pain 6 months after a mastectomy with a direct to implant reconstruction. Here is the link if…
Newly diagnosed DCIS
Diagnosed on the 25th October after a routine mammogram- no lumps/symptoms. Waiting now to be booked in for a mastectomy + reconstruction. No longer feel numb but the shock remains.
New to the club I didn't want to join!
Hi everyone. As the title says, I'm new here! Id rather not be, but am thankful for safe spaces like this. I was recalled after some abnormal results on my first mammogram & after a morning of more scans was told it was likely cancer so biopsies and ultrasound were done, then 2 days later it was confirmed to be Invasive…
Information on reconstruction after Mastectomy please
Hello and thanks to all on this forum. I was informed on Wednesday that instead of having 2 lumpectomies on 10/2 on my Lobular cancer they will have to perform a Mastectomy as MRI showed more cancer than Ultrasound. I need to decide by Tuesday 31/1 about a reconstruction (if that’s even possible) can anyone help with their…
Here I go again!
Hi there. Newbie to this online group. I had my first diagnosis in 2006 at 46. A grade 3 ductal cancer for which I had a lumpectomy, radiation and hormone blockers. I had Tamoxifen until developed uterine polyps (3yrs) and then switched to Arimidex (another 5 yrs). My maternal aunt had BC first in her mid 30’s and then…