Hello and goldilocks mastectomy

AmySloc Member Posts: 3
Hi all, I was diagnosed with extensive DCIS in my right breast last month, after my first ever mammogram. I’m 47, have 3 daughters (12, 9 and 4) and live in a rural area. 48 hrs after my diagnosis I travelled to Canberra to meet my surgeon who referred me on for an MRI as well as PET and CT scans. I have a small invasive cancer in the right breast, but at this stage the rest of my body plus lymph nodes appear clear. I didn’t want an implant or a prosthesis, so my surgeon has recommended a double mastectomy (for risk minimisation and symmetry) using the goldilocks technique for immediate reconstruction. I’m a DD cup and very active, so the thought of smaller boobs is actually quite appealing, however I have no idea how small they will actually be. 
Has anyone else on here been through or been recommended this procedure? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,244
    SO sorry to see you join our select little group, @AmySloc xx  We have a few groups you may be interested in joining ..... the Living in Regional, Rural and Remote Group - where there are tips on claiming for travel & accommodation costs relating to your treatment xx
    Also the Reconstruction group (and possibly the Flat Chat - staying Flat group too....)
    Click on this link - and then click on any group you want to join ... they are totally private & only 'seen' by members of the groups, not the rest of us xx

    Also jump on here & check out some of the other thread on the forum that you may be interested in - we even have 'funny stuff', as we all need a laugh too!! There is info on what to take with you to hospital too - and tick sheets to 'self assess' yourself re stress and how you are coping xx

    Charlotte Tottman's podcasts are invaluable - she is a BC psychologist who has had a double mastectomy and chose to stay 'flat'.  Jump on here & you can go thru her 2 series ..... 
    https://soundcloud.com/search?q=charlotte tottman

    Take care & all the best for your ongoing appointments & treatment.

    Whack up ANY questions you may have - and we'll do our best to help xx
  • NannyAileen_8
    NannyAileen_8 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Amy, I'm 70 years young I was diagnosed with early stage BC in my left breast September last year. My cancer was invasive but hadn't travelled into my lymph glands etc. I was extremely lucky that they (2x4mm tumors not joined) were found.
    My Surgeon offered me a couple of choices but I knew straight away if I didn't have a bilateral mastecomy I would be stressing from 1 mammogram/ultrasound to the next. I had my bilateral mastectomy with skin sparing for reconstruction. Just over 6 months down the track I'm nearing completion of reconstruction with only 1 more op to make my nipples and then tattoos for areola's. I had a couple of hiccups along the way that set me back a couple of months plus Surgeon closed over Christmas - COVID and one expander drifting off course and lodging itself out of the pocket and under my skin. Very unpleasant time but I would do it all again to get the perky girls that I have now. It's all been a whirlwind ride for me and I still can't believe that I had that dreaded BC word.
    All the best with whatever path you decide to go down. Cheers