Dumb jokes

Member Posts: 5,805 ✭
Putting out a discussion post for dumb jokes or something similar to help a couple of our ladies cope with their upcoming Oncology visits and or surgery..............something to make them laugh for a minute or two...........
first one I found was:
first one I found was:
Great idea!
Here's a nerdy one.
Why can’t you trust an atom?Because they make up literally everything.5 -
Thanks Cossette what a hoot!0
One of my favourites, baby laughing at dog eating popcorn. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xy725n_baby-laughing-at-popcorn-eating-dog_fun2
Brenda that baby guarantees a good guffaw!!!xx1
Sit down and watch Mrs Browns Boys the best laugh1
This one's not a joke, but it still makes me smile. How cute are these two little ones?
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I asked hubby where Phillip Island was. He said its where all the Phillips live. Then he said that where the Queen got her hubby from.2
My 6 yo niece calls me with jokes to cheer me up, the latest was
why did the boy take a ladder to school?
because he wanted to go to HIGH school
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Great idea LOL
Oh my 17yo son told me this stupid one the other day...
How does a Tyrannosauraus Rex clap their hands?? they don't their extinct..
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My neice told me this one :
Knock Knock
Whose there?
Moo w
Interrupting Cow1