My Jounrney

This is my first time using the online blog. I am 14 years a survivor in october and very proud.I had 4 young children aged 6,8,10,12, and some days i wonder how I did it,but i did it.
I have never been part of any group. I took my children my husband my sister and a very good friend to the field of women this year ,and it was the most over whelming experience i have ever had.
Hi Tanya, glad to here you had a great family holiday and there will be many more, my eldest is 27 now and has just spent a week with us at Halls Gap, we had many laughs and great fun.I do still have times where i get a little down but i have a very good friend and my mentor i guess who has just celebrated 30 years clear she is now 78 years young and i love her as she keeps my spirits up.Are your children girls boys or 1 of each,i have 3 girls and 1 beautiful son.Thanks for chating as it is all new to me but i am never to old to learn all the computor jargin.
Regards Kerry
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hi Eilish,
great to see you on here, and such an inspiration to us all, so please keep on comming back, there are lots of women on here who have no other means of support, and as you can see by reading the blogs, we have ladies who have just been diagnosed, going through the journey, and like yourself years down the line, so thank you for your blog. and TANYA like you i live in a small rural town and loved the computer sticker saying hehe.
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Hi tanya,
I am thrilled to bits to be your mentor,i also live in a small town called Launching Place vic,we have a post office at Warburton. Today driving to work there was a sprinkling of snow on the hills what a beautiful site and i guess thats why i live here.We are only about an hours drive from melbourne which i love, we are going to see Mary Poppins on the 9th in melbourne so am looking forward to it.
Yes it is a girl thing they seem to know so much,and i suppose she may not remember to much of you not being well whilst having chemo.My older children remind me of the very plain food and sometimes yucky food i would dish up,but i really only ate soup for 6 months it all tasted horrible anyway.Wow now i love the taste of good food,and good chocolate.
When 1 of my daughters come to visit i will learn how to put a photo up on my page,well i am off to bed now after a busy day take care.
Talk soon
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Hi Moira,
Thanks for chatting,i cant believe how many people are on the network it is quiet amazing.I would like to get to know people and their journey as we can all take something from each other.
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hi Tanya,
How was your weekend, and your family.We had a beautiful weekend weather wise and i spent a lot of it in the garden planting tomatoes and some beetroot. I hope i am as succesful this year with my tomatoes as last year.
Have you had any rain in your area.What are the biggest towns that i may know close to you.Did you get my last message i am never sure when i press that button where they disappear to.
chat soon
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Hi tanya,
Yes it does seem to be a bit of a task , i am never sure if they have gone to where they should.I am glad you have had great school holidays i used to look forward to them as well it was always relaxing and lots of fun.We went to see Mary Poppins last night and i would have to say it was one of the best shows we have seen , it played to a full house and i do believe that is the case most nights.
Weather has been great over the weekend and lots of lovely sun. My daughter is flying to townsville cup weekend to catch up with her x boyfriend as they are still great friends so they tell me. Take care talk soon.
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Hi Kerry
I have only mentioned to my husband earlier this week that I would love to go see Mary Poppins in Melbourne soon. Do you think a 7 year old would enjoy it?
We are flying to Sydney in a couple of weeks and I was just looking to see what shows are on while we are there. Ben Hur is on, but I am not sure it is our "cup of tea"?
Great that your daughter remains friends with her x, the Townsville cup is a big event. My sister goes, but I went 20 odd years ago when I was single and enjoyed the day.
Talk soon.,
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HI Tanya,
Yes i am sure your daughter would love the show there were lots of families also nanas and pops, you may be able to get a package with acccomodation as there are a couple of motels close by.I am not sure if it is going to Sydney but most of the shows do but i am sure how long it is here for either.I dont think Ben Hur is my cup of tea ,but live shows are so different.You have a lovely time in Sydney when you go.My husbands daughter lives in Sydney.She was adopted out when she was a baby because the girls parents thought they were to young and when she was 22 she decided to track her bio logical parents and lucky for her she acquired 3 sisters and a brother and they are her only family as her mother never had any other children and we all get along very well .
talk soon
Kerry x