New to this

Susan1 Member Posts: 34
edited October 2010 in General discussion

HI, I have finally found out how to get into site, and I am like many probably seeking the inevitable answers to my many questions.

I live in the Newcsatle areaI was diagnosed with Breast cancer on 27/8/10 and as of 15/910 I have had a mastectomy, got home yesterday from hospital, am in a fair bit of pain, and its really starting to sink in.

I have a 6 monthly check , February there was nothing then the ultrasound picked up my lump,Results tonight say  it was 2.1cm Grade 2 and 2 lymph nodes were removed 1 clear the other not.

This has turned our lives upside down as it has all happened so quickly. Sometimes I look at my husband and little girl who is 9 and wonder is this all a nightmare.

My specialist phoned thru results tonight, I see him Friday for my chemo plan etc,

I am so worried , and glad I can read on here other peoples positive results, I pray mine will be also in this category.

I didnt realise until now how much support is out there for Breast Cancer sufferers.

Will pop in now regularly for chats I hope.


Regards Sue

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  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear your story Sue, and hope you the pain is starting to get better from your op, Please know our thoughts are with you, and i am glad you have found your way here. We have a great load of women on here, who have been and are still going through their journey. and who support each other, so even if there is no support group near you, then you can always find it here, from your sofa. so please feel free to ask any questions, Have you applied on this site for  your "My Journey Kit" this is a great informative package, and has a cd for your partner to listen to,  And your health professional (Doctor, nurse), can apply for your My Care Kit, which is a great Berlie Bra, ideal for wearing right through the treatment.  these packages are free from BCNA. so make sure you order them. Please feel free to add me to your contacts, sorry we can't have a coffee but we can certainly have a chat. Regars Moira

  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear your story Sue, and hope you the pain is starting to get better from your op, Please know our thoughts are with you, and i am glad you have found your way here. We have a great load of women on here, who have been and are still going through their journey. and who support each other, so even if there is no support group near you, then you can always find it here, from your sofa. so please feel free to ask any questions, Have you applied on this site for  your "My Journey Kit" this is a great informative package, and has a cd for your partner to listen to,  And your health professional (Doctor, nurse), can apply for your My Care Kit, which is a great Berlie Bra, ideal for wearing right through the treatment.  these packages are free from BCNA. so make sure you order them. Please feel free to add me to your contacts, sorry we can't have a coffee but we can certainly have a chat. Regars Moira

  • grover
    grover Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue, it certainly is a scary time, when i was first diagnosed, i cleared out all my cupboards, and then re stocked them, so my husband wouldn't have to worry about what brands etc to buy.  i wrote out future shopping lists, and recipies for my family. and all other silly little things mums just know to do. i sorted out all the banking, and insurance.  but then i saw the breast surgeon and she said she had a plan for me, i could hardly believe what she was saying  i was so convinced she was going to send me home to die.. the plan had a few holes in it, but it all worked out in the end and i am still here..

    take care,

    kathy x x

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Kathy,

    Yes I did all the "spring cleaning" in between diagnosis and operation, scrubbed cleaned and cleared out cupboards, I had all the energy in the world, unlike now.

    As a normally well person I find this very difficult to deal with, it honestly feels like a terrible nightmare.

    I see surgeon tomorrow to discuss results and future treatment, so fingers crossed it will be quite positive.

    I am gald I have located this site, even though I find it hard to naviagte around, as I can see other peoples experiences.


    Thankyou for getting in contact with me


    Regards Sue


  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Moira,


    Thankyou for touching base with me, yes I have already ordered these kits you mentioned I actually received the Journey kit prior to hospital so I read it thoroughly whilst I was in  there.

    I am sure I will find this site quite helpful, I already have so many questions, I see my surgeon tomorrow so I am hoping the results and future treatment will be good, (if you can say that)

    I do however find this site a little hard to navigate around so I hope i do not make many mistakes till I get used to it.


    Thankyou for your support, and yes a shame we couldnt have a coffee.


    Regards Sue


  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Sue, I know how you are feeling, like you've been picked up in a whirlwind and on a endless spiral.

    I was diagnosed on 13th Jan this year, in having the mastectomy on 28th.  I opted to have all of the glands removed - it was right for me, may not be for others.

    I am fortunate in as much as I do not need chemo or radiotherapy ... the nasty critter hadn't travelled anywhere else in my body.  I'm on Arimidex for the next 5 years ... yep, back on the pill!!!  Took it successfully for 20 odd years and that one did the job so there's no reason why this one shouldn't work.

    I guess the most important thing I can tell you is - listen to your body!!!!  Believe me it will tell you what it can do.  There are things you can't and shouldn't do no matter how much you want to,  I was feeling a bit stiff and sore one day when I went to see my surgeon - he looked at me and said "hows the garden?'  In my enthusiasm I said "great" -  that gave the game away and he told me to go home and put superwoman back in the cupboard!!!  I got the message.

    If your body says do a little bit - that's ok, if it tells you to have a rest - do it (if it tells you to go to the pub, then do as yr told!!!!)

    You have joined an ultra-exclusive club (yes, I can just hear you saying "yippeee how did I get this lucky"), but this club is full of mates and supporters and we are available 24/7 whenever you need to talk, cry, laugh, throw a tantrum or just want a gossip.

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow .... think positive!!!

    My Mum (lived to 97) was a believer in the Power of Positive Thinking and I've adopted that mantra.  I believe that we are all in charge of our own destiny ... so you go get 'em girl!!

    Pop in for a chat later and let us know how you got on

    Cheers .... Shirl


  • Tanya
    Tanya Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2015

    Hi Sue

    Sorry you had to join us.  I was diagnosed at 36 in 2007.  At the time my children were 2 and 4.  I had a mastecomy and chemo.  Not long after I was diagnosed I woke up in the middle of the night and said to my husband that I had just had a horrible nightmare, unfortunately it was  real.  It is a scary time, but you will get through it.

    I am not a believer of the positive thinking theory.  But I do believe that I am going to have a long and very happy life.  (you will find that everyones experience and journey is different).  I was positive that my hair was going to fall out, I was positve that this whole breast cancer thing suxed.  I thought that if I didn't think positive things all the time, bad stuff was going to happen. So I chose not to beat myself up about the whole think positive theory.  So take your time, read others stories and find the right path for YOU.

    Good luck with it all.  Ask away.



  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Shirl,

    Thanks for the info, can I ask u , when u say it hadnt travelled to the rest of your body, had it gone to your nodes ??  I am sorry if I am being nosey but mine was found in a node so I am terrified it has travelled beyond.

    Yes I got caught for doing too much, they gave me a couple of hours release from the hospital, we went home and you knowwhen things are out of order, I just had to fix up, cleaning basins and general tidy up ,,,,, well when I got back to hosp did I get a rev from the nurses, and I realised the next day how stupid I was, so yes I am doing things a little quieter now.

    I know where your coming from with the positive thinking, my mother is exactly the same, I am trying very very hard to practice what I preach which I picked up from her, just sometimes, you think Y Y Y....

    I will let u know what the outcome is this afternoon, honestly I think my palms are sweating already, my hubby is away with work and is due home today so glad to be able to go to appt with him.

    Thankyou for your advice, will keep in touch.


    Regards Sue




  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hello again Sue - no you are not being nosey, that's what we are all here for, to be your sounding board so to speak.  In time as you are settled in to your own journey you may feel you are able to do the same for others.

    No, my nodes weren't affected.   The cancer was contained in the breast - another six months and it would have been a different story. 

    My positive thinking isn't living in a world where everything is rosey, more like knowing what what you have and using the knowledge you have (My Journey Kit etc) to stay in a positive mind frame.  You can't stop the depression creeping in and the "what if's" buzzing around in your head no matter how hard you try.  Personally I found that once I recognized and was able to say - "yes, I am depressed and scared" then the "black dog"  fell off my back and I got on with life.  Going to Melbourne in August for the Community Training helped me so much.  I heard so many different stories from the other women who were there and I feel as if I have made friends for life.

    It''s great that you will have your hubby with you this afternoon ... you really need support close to home - who else will you wake up at 3am to listen to your fears and dry your tears?  We would if we could  but can't send you the tissues from this far away.

    You take care  ...... we'll talk later

    Cheers ... Shirl xx

  • Genevieve 56
    Genevieve 56 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2015

    I am like Tanya..19 nodes taken 3 is just 12 months since my diagnosis....mammogram and ultra sound next month..I am feeling back to normal one of the other ladies said "listen to your body" that for me was one of the most important things...everything will still be there tomorrow.

    You will find that most of us have different treatments depending on our oncologist. We have all had BC but we are all different.

    I hope everything goes well at your appointment......chin up and don't forget to talk to others about your helps to get it off your are not alone.

    Take care

    Hope to chat to you soon


  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    HI all, I have been told I have to use aluminium free deodorant, is there any one better than another, I have Crystal but not impressed with it.

    Also after my op my skin under my arm stings continuously like it is burnt , did anyone else have this sympton and if so what did u do, it is actually not broken skin there, but Dr said underneath it is nerve endings that have been tampered with and can last as long as two years, it is very uncomfortable all the time.


    Thanks for this Sue

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    HI all, I have been told I have to use aluminium free deodorant, is there any one better than another, I have Crystal but not impressed with it.

    Also after my op my skin under my arm stings continuously like it is burnt , did anyone else have this sympton and if so what did u do, it is actually not broken skin there, but Dr said underneath it is nerve endings that have been tampered with and can last as long as two years, it is very uncomfortable all the time.


    Thanks for this Sue

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    HI all, I have been told I have to use aluminium free deodorant, is there any one better than another, I have Crystal but not impressed with it.

    Also after my op my skin under my arm stings continuously like it is burnt , did anyone else have this sympton and if so what did u do, it is actually not broken skin there, but Dr said underneath it is nerve endings that have been tampered with and can last as long as two years, it is very uncomfortable all the time.


    Thanks for this Sue

  • Pamela
    Pamela Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Like you, I'm new to this.  I was diagnosed with DCIS on 6/8/10 & within 3 weeks had had a wide excision with sentinal node biopsy which lead to having a total mastectomy.

    Hell of a roller coaster ride!!  Not only for my but for my family & friends.  I have been blessed with lots of support & a great outcome - no chemo or radiotherapy & as the cancer was wholly contained within the breast it has "gone".  I do worry about the remaining breast but shall stay forever vigilant.

    On the deodorant - I have successfully used Body Crystal Stick Deodorant bought from local Coles Supermarket for around $12 but am aware of another called Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Spray.  I haven't used it but am going to see if I can find it to try it out.  I'll let you know if it's ok.  Also, be aware not to use a blade to shave under your arm (I'm sure you know this already!) - I have purchased a Cleancut personal groomer from The Shaver Shop which has a brush to apply cornflour on the area before use to stop irritation from the blades.  Am yet to use it & again, will let you know how I go.

    Good luck with your journey,

    Hope to chat again soon,

    Regards Pamela

  • Susan1
    Susan1 Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2015

    Hi Pamela,

    Sorry to hear of your news, yes it is quite a shock, these things will never happen, actually I always used to say I didnt have time, what a reality shock it has been you have no choice....

    I will admit I am so worried abt this being in my lymph node, but I can only pray that the chemo will work and I will remain positive....For the first time I am praying to be old one day.I want to see my little girl grow up.......funny isnt it how things change., there was a time when i never wanted to get old.....

    The deodorant issue, well as I used to use a sport one before the one I have now which is the Crystal from Coles doesnt appear to work , but I cannot use th stick atm as it is still to tender under one of my arms, I am hunting the other one you mentioned atm, and yes I found out about the shaving in hospital, and I had a little laugh to myself the other day,as we had bought my hubby a new electric shaver for Fathers Day, as he travels and thought it would be handy for work, but he had to surrender it for the moment, but I like the idea from the Shaver shop, as I dont know about you but my skin burns under that arm now and the specialist said it was nerves and it could last this pain for up to 2 years.....for which i nearly died as it is so uncomfortable, but the cornflour etc seems as though it would be less friction, I will def look into this..


    Thankyou again Pamela for your information and kind thoughts, and good luck with your journey as well.


    Will keep in touch..


    Cheers Sue.. 




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