Need some positive stories



  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Hi again, my name is Sue King, I have worked at the Primary School for 32 years. This may jog yre mums memory.  Xoxoxo
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    How amazing!!
    If you happen to know who lives in our old house could you ask if you could take a picture of it to send to me. I had many happy memories growing up there, brings tears just thinking about that place. As a kid I wanted to live there forever, would now too if I could run a farm.
    My Mum lives on Lobster Creek Road in Ulverstone, on a farm with her husband who she married after I was married (he keeps her on a short least, so I don't really have time for him) her surname now is Clifford.
    Wish I could meet you.
    I wonder if there is anyone who remembers me in Ridgley now. If there is I don't mind at all if you tell them about my BC as that's how you know me today.
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    I am not sure who lives in the house now, but a few years ago a lovely couple had it and they opened up the gardens for an Australia Day celebration and raised heaps of money, it was a great day. I will call in sometime and ask if I can take some snaps. Will let you know when I have them and we can exchange email to send them thru. Not sure who is around your age and still living here. .Did you know the Ballot girls from West Ridgley?. Throw some names at me and I will find out if I can where they might be. this is soo exciting, I might even try and give your mum a call.
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    I don't get meet my Oncologist until 29th July which is still anote week away and I feel like I have been waiting for ages already. I know the BC Specialist Dr Team is
    discussing my case this week and weighing up the pros and cons of +/- more lymph node surgery, type of chemo regime, -/+ radiotherapy regime given my plan for bilateral mastec's and recon. etc after Chemo.
    Oh I So So want to be a fly on the wall during that discussion!
    I have sat in on similar meetings at work and I know there is so much to be learned by these meetings and they can often include quite heated discussions if there is a conflict of views....that's the bits I want to know about.
    So all in all I am really crap at being a patient and not being nurse. I am really struggling to have faith in the decisions that will be made about my treatment when I don't know how they arrived at them. This is my control
    freak rearing is ugly head, Hmmm... what to do other than write down yet another five pages of questions for those Dr's unfortunately that won't fill my week so its good I'm back to work this week to distract my brain.
    Love to all
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    I don't get meet my Oncologist until 29th July which is still anote week away and I feel like I have been waiting for ages already. I know the BC Specialist Dr Team is
    discussing my case this week and weighing up the pros and cons of +/- more lymph node surgery, type of chemo regime, -/+ radiotherapy regime given my plan for bilateral mastec's and recon. etc after Chemo.
    Oh I So So want to be a fly on the wall during that discussion!
    I have sat in on similar meetings at work and I know there is so much to be learned by these meetings and they can often include quite heated discussions if there is a conflict of views....that's the bits I want to know about.
    So all in all I am really crap at being a patient and not being nurse. I am really struggling to have faith in the decisions that will be made about my treatment when I don't know how they arrived at them. This is my control
    freak rearing is ugly head, Hmmm... what to do other than write down yet another five pages of questions for those Dr's unfortunately that won't fill my week so its good I'm back to work this week to distract my brain.
    Love to all
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Vicky Walker, remembers Little Lara, and send her best wishes to you. Vicky works in Sargents supermarket.
  • fungooleyruley
    fungooleyruley Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015

    Hi again Lara! Reading your latest post I know what you are feeling towards all the medical practitioners discussing your case and you not being there yourself. But i would imagine it being difficult for you especially when you work in the medical field yourself! I remember about 15 years ago when I was diagnosed with a growth on my right adrenal gland a group of Fremantle Hospital specialists having a meeting about my case and working towards a solution. But I to was frustrated that I couldn't be there to help me get a better understanding of my diagnosis and prognosis. I felt like a guinea pig really! It stinks but I guess we just have to have faith in them as hard as that may be. In the end the decision not to remove the growth was the right one as it was found to be benign and has since shrunk considerably. Brain distraction sounds like a good idea! Works for me as well!

    oOo Vicki R

  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sue,
    I spoke to mum today and said you caught up, well done.
    I can't wait to see my Mum, just waiting to here when my chemo starts and then she'll be on a flight to come and look after all of us.
    I remember Sargeants very well, I was always in and out of there say hello to Vicky for me.
    I look forward to some house photos but if its too hard don't worry about it too much.
    I was talking to an old Tassie school friend today and we were best buddies and we were reminicing about all the fun we had at Willovale, we both agreed that place made our childhood brilliant.
    Thanks for bringing back great memories Sue.
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015
    Hey there tough tears so don't worry yes it's emotionally draining l was telling my work colleagues l used to cry at home often and they were shocked, amazing how people see us isn't it. You always feel better after a good cry. Regards adean
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Glad to be able to bring back some happy memories for you, a light to brighten your low moments.   It was lovely to talk to your mum, I recognised her voice straight away, a lovely lady. I am popping down this arvo to take a few snaps. Last year our community produced a calendar as a fundraiser for Cancer, as quite a few of the residents were battling this crappy thing. I will take one over to your mum for her to bring it over to you. You may not know many of the people but  it has pictures of Ridgley as the backdrop for our RELAY Team members who all work very hard raising money for our Transport to Treatment bus. Will be hoping and praying for you to battle on strongly to fight this hideous thing... Love and hugs  Sue
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    That is ok Lara, you need to have some "down time", and a great big cry, it helps and is all part of the process. I think most of us would surprise our colleagues (as Adean mentioned), we are tough cookies but still need to crumble at times, as long as we can pick up before the crumbs get to small. All the best for a good day .
  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    I am 18 mnths post diagnosis now, had my first check up mammo and ultrasound - all clear. I'm HER2 + so I still have my worry days whem I imagine it might be everywhere but it's not as often now.

    I just read the piece about not asking too many questions. What rubbish.  Knowledge is how you make it through. If someone doesn't want you to know stuff it suggests that they think you are incapable of understanding. How demeaning.

    You will have days of tears yet, you will have days of despair - but they thin out and you will realise that you are still HERE, still alive, fighting.

    Radiation is SO much easier than chemo - well it was for me. Slap on the cream, think positive thoughts.

    much love


  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Lara, just wondering how you are going? How has the chemo been treating you? Hope to meet up with you at one of our Perth get togethers soon. Love Chris xx

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