Need some positive stories



  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    Hi All again,
    I got my final pathology results today from the lumpectomy, .
    My tumor ended up being larger than previously thought at 35mm, it had also extensively invaded my blood vessels which means cancer cells could be anywhere in my body now.
    Also after further pathology of the removed lymph nodes that were previously thought to have no cancer they found a very small metastese in one of the lymph nodes.
    And the tumor itself is a Grade 3!!!
    So I am really flattened by all this, I was so happy after my surgery and all this hit me like a truck.
    Only good news is I have estrogen and progesterone receptors and am HER2 negative.
    I now have to spend all of tomorrow having full body CT and bone scan to look for tumors in other parts of my bbody. I really hope I am due for some good luck soon, as I am running low on optimism.
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Big Hugs Lara, bugger bugger, didnt really want that news, BUT they are on to it quickly. Sending you all the positive vibes for some good outcomes with yre scans and tests. Love and prayers, and some tears for you Lara.Susie
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Big Hugs Lara, bugger bugger, didnt really want that news, BUT they are on to it quickly. Sending you all the positive vibes for some good outcomes with yre scans and tests. Love and prayers, and some tears for you Lara.Susie
  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015
    Hi Lara, so sorry to read your bad news. I hope your next set of tests give you some relief, yes you're due for good news now.

    Sounds like they are working very quickly for you, take care and let's us know how you get on,

  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    No tumours found elsewhere in my body on the CT scans and Bone scan.Yay Yay Yay!!!!I know you all know this already but until you experience it you don't really get it as to how much this IS really a rollercoaster for your emotions! (complete with rollercoater nausea too)I am seeing an Oncologist on the 29th and another on the 30th, they are both meant to be fantastic but given I will be seeing so much of them I wanted to be sure they suited me. I found my surgeon didn't think all my questions were neccessary but for me they are extremely important so I want to feel like can always ask questions and time will be taken to answer them. My surgeon said "Lara you really need to see a clinical Psych, its not good for you to ask so many questions". I am happy to see a Clinical Psych but I strongly disagree that asking questions is not good for me!!I guess I am the "annoying patient who is a nurse and asks loads more questions than anyone else". In the nursing world, nurses generally try not to tell the Drs who treat us that we are nurses because their attitude often changes when they find out we are a nurse, and usually not in a helpful way. But I don't care, its my life and as Bel said above, (thanks Bel) the answers give me relief, even if they are not the answers I want to hear it is still far better than what my head thinks the answers could be at 2am. Thanks yet again for all your wonderful support and good advice. I am seeing a Breast Care Nurse on Friday just as you recommended Bel and as soon as I was diagnosed my husband went and bought us a journal each to write it all down, (he really surprised me), also as Bel recommended.My next fear is the aggressive chemo I am bound to get given my pathology. I am mainly scared of the brain effects, as I have seen some people really freak out having high dose chemo (this is the stuff I wish I didn't know)!!If I had my way I would say "stick me on a bed somewhere, sedate me for a year and wake me when its all over.....ahh!! my imaginary perfect world!! Clearly this ain't gonna happen.Any advice for a Chemo virgin??Love to allLaraxx
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    Hi Vicki,That is a truely generous offer, and I may take you up on it.At the moment my plan is that my Mum is going to come over from Tassie and look after all of us through my Chemo, I just don't know at this stage how long my Chemo treatment will be for and I doubt my Mum will be able to stay for the entire traetment as I know her husband (not my dad) won't want her staying over here for a year. So if my Mum has to go home for any reason then i may call in your offer.Thanks so so much, I will aim to make the catch up in August to meet everyone, it will just be Chemo dependant.Thanks againLara
  • fungooleyruley
    fungooleyruley Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015
    No problem at all Lara. Just don't hesitate to let me know if I can help, like with picking you up and taking you to a treatment if need be. So very pleased to hear about your scan results. Something to help put a smile back on the dial! Keep asking those questions and getting the answers you need as well and I look forward to perhaps meeting you down the road whether it be as part of your journey or at one of our "pink sister" get togethers.

    oOo Vicki R
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Fantastic news about your scans Lara..yah for sure, it is such a relief and only those who have been on the 'waiting' list know this only to well. Your questions should be asked and answered without hesitation, keep on with them until you are satisfied. As for chemo....crap crap,,,,,  but it is different for everyone of course, I had a reasonable time with it, a bit of nausea and restless nights, coloured my nails purple with pink dots to protect them,  3 months down the track from chemo/herceptin they are still a bit soft. Take each day as a new one with positive horizons, accept help, don't feel guilty (easier said than done). You might feel funny tingles in all sorts of places as the drugs do their job, always check if yr unsure of what it might be....have themometer handy, tissues for a funny nose and tears, hand sanitizer and something to snuggle with (if it is not to hot over there). I made myself a fleecy rug which kept me company many a time. My heart goes out to you and your family as your start this new part of THE JOURNEY.   I noticed your mum is coming from Tassie,( what part?),  I am from Ridgley near Burnie in Tassie. All the very best for a comfortable chemo ride. Sue 
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Hi Vicki, I am interested to learn more about the "pink sisters", can you tell me about them please. I am not from Perth but am looking for ideas to try down here in Tassie.Sue.
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Lara, I am so glad your scans are all clear. I really understand about your comments re being a nurse. Doctors must be threatened by this info. I think you are wise to see 2 different Oncologists, as you need someone you can ask questions of. Both my surgeon and Oncologist were fantastic, and I was never made to feel like I was asking too many questions. All my concerns were addressed and I was encouraged to ask what ever I felt I needed to know. As you said, it is better to have the answers, rather than let your mind wander at 2am with all the awful scenarios we can all conjur up. Like Vicki, I would also like to help you with anything you might need, and look forward to meeting you soon. I know how scary the thought of chemo is, but not everyone has a bad time of it. I didn't, so was very lucky. Take care of yourself, and I wish you well. Love Chris xx
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    I grew up on Willowvale Farm on Circular Road in Ridgley!!!
    My maiden name is Cains, if you do know of my family keep in mind that I do not maintain any contact with my father as I got burned too many times to continue torturing myself by maintaining contact.
    My mum however is a wonderful person (Carole).
    Are you not in Perth Sue?
    Thanks for the info about your chemo, a fleecy blanket sound like a very good idea.
    Can't wait to know if you knew my family, what a small world. This is a welcome distraction from my current reality.
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Chris,
    I am looking forward to meeting all of you too.
    Thank you for your generous offers of help too.
    Its really comforting to know there are so many lovely people out there willing to help me whom they have never met, its quite humbling.
    Thank you
  • fungooleyruley
    fungooleyruley Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sue,
    I am actually very new to the group having only been to my first get together a couple of weeks ago. Enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait for the next one. Spending quality time with others who know exactly what you are going through is priceless! The lovely Mich is our organiser and she might tell you more but basically she finds somewhere lovely for us to go on a date that agrees with us all and sends out the details via our blog for Perth ladies. I think we will be doing it once every couple of months or so. We just refer to our group as being "pink sisters" cause we all try to wear something pink when we meet and it just fits. The BCNA network makes it easy to connect with everyone and ensure that it's all inclusive as well.
    Nothing too complicated really!
    Vicki R
  • Lara O Perth
    Lara O Perth Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015
    oops almost posted same message twice
  • susie_Q
    susie_Q Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2015
    Ohhh Lara, I am sitting here in tears....can't believe is unreal...I still live in Ridgley and  Yes Yes I do know your mum Carole, it was quite sad when she moved and I often wonder where she went to. She may not remember me but say Hi anyway.... Gosh I still can't believe this. Where is your mum living now? Hang in there Girl, a tough time ahead but lots of positives as well.Our little "town" hasn't changed to much since you lived here, a few more houses and the corner shop near the school burnt down last year, the Post Office is now in the Grocery shop,  but other than, still much the same...We live on the road just behind the school.Love and country hugsSue.

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