Help... I am terrified!



  • Sheryl1952
    Sheryl1952 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015
    I am 60 my diagnoised with grade3gtumor tow of them in right breast no nodes were cancerous but am having 4rds if chemo just to be safe nothing showed in ct scane and bone scan just showed athritisi suppose that means I am getting old lol I live in ballarat and am keen to be in contac with anyone in my area
  • Sheryl1952
    Sheryl1952 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015
    I am 60 my diagnoised with grade3gtumor tow of them in right breast no nodes were cancerous but am having 4rds if chemo just to be safe nothing showed in ct scane and bone scan just showed athritisi suppose that means I am getting old lol I live in ballarat and am keen to be in contac with anyone in my area
  • Sheryl1952
    Sheryl1952 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015
    I am 60 my diagnoised with grade3gtumor tow of them in right breast no nodes were cancerous but am having 4rds if chemo just to be safe nothing showed in ct scane and bone scan just showed athritisi suppose that means I am getting old lol I live in ballarat and am keen to be in contac with anyone in my area
  • Sheryl1952
    Sheryl1952 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015
    I am 60 my diagnoised with grade3gtumor tow of them in right breast no nodes were cancerous but am having 4rds if chemo just to be safe nothing showed in ct scane and bone scan just showed athritisi suppose that means I am getting old lol I live in ballarat and am keen to be in contac with anyone in my area
    Dose anyone else have concerns about being deformed or am I just being silly it is very depressing I find myself crying Alot about that looking at ather weman in the shopping Center thinking you are never going to be normal again!!!!!
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Hey Jane

    Lovely to see you on here chatting away with us because I find everyone's comments, thoughts and words are extremely worthwhile.

    Can I say you are so lucky to be able to work thru your treatment.  I was far from able to do that.  My work I did on computer from home was fine as I did it when I was "well" but for outside type of work which was on a roster sytem I was unable to commit to.  I think having work to keep you occupied and your mind active is wonderful and wish I was able to but not for me.

    Thinking of you, lots of love, Mich xoxoxo

  • Lyn11
    Lyn11 Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2015


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