Newly diagnosed

herplv Member Posts: 15
G'day folks... I am 50 yrs old. I was diagnosed on the 24/04/24, day before Anzac day...😢. I have all theses mixed emotions right now. I found a lump 2 inches long in my left breast. Biopsy felt like I was stabbed. Every time I move it grabs and I have NEVER felt pain like it before. My appetite has decreased, I feel highly stressed and high anxiety. My Dr has done a referral and I am at a stand still as it's hard to get into see a dr... 😢.
Everything was so quick and now I am at a stand still. I have found out along the way in a very short amount of time cancer runs down my dads side of the family. My dads mum had a mastectomy of left breast, dads sister found cancer in right breast (now in remision). Me I have to have a mastectomy. I am coming to terms with this foreign growth (I call cancer) in my breast. 
I haven't cried fully yet, I dunno if I ever will. To me I just want this thing out of my body. I am extremely tired all the time.
I am just wondering if u all have experienced this 🤔 


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited April 2024
    Hello @herplv - your feelings are exactly what we all went through in those early days so you are not alone. 
    I see you are outside Melbourne but I don't know that area.  Do you know where you will go for treatment ?  Hopefully there will be ladies on here who live near you so they can give you some advice re local services etc.  You say you will be having a mastectomy - are you in the private or public hospital sector ?
    Have you thought about reconstruction ?
    Do you have a supportive partner or other family to attend appointments with you ?  Always a good idea as they can be a second set of ears when your mind is stuck elsewhere.
    Make notes and take them with you to appointments.  We need to be our own advocates.
    Be kind to yourself, take things one day at a time.  Cry if you feel like it as that is a good stress relief.
    Come back and chat any time.  No question is too small or too silly.  💖

    Tuesday - I have sent you a private message - you will see that at the top right of the screen near your profile picture where you log off.
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 306
    Hi @herplv I am so sorry to hear about the diagnosis and everything you’ve going through ❤️. 
    I hear you on the biopsy after effects, I did have a lot of soreness, swelling and bruising after the first one. When I went back for the second one the thoughtful ultrasound technician encouraged me to ask for more anaesthestic if it was too uncomfortable, rather than trying to be too stoic, so I did. I also was a bit wiser about putting an ice pack in the bra straight after and took Panadol before the procedure. 
    I was glad my husband came and waited with me because you really just benefit from a hug. 🌻
    I have noticed people on this forum are so informed so you’re in a good place. 
    Good luck with the next biopsy and if you can get help with sleep I also think that helps make the day better. 

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    edited April 2024
    Dear @herplv,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    So sorry to see you join our select little group, @herplv .... it really is an emotional rollercoaster - and yes, the biopsy can be horrible too :(  I nearly hit the roof when the BANG happened - no-one had told me to expect that!  They had a few goes at one of mine as the needle was too fine to pick up specimens, so I was black & blue & very sore for weeks. :(  

    Trying to be strong for everyone else may put more pressure on yourself xx   We've all done it tho.  

    The Austin has a wonderful reputation - you will be well looked after there xx  

    Feel free to check out this thread, that has a LOT of info in it about the forum & what to take to hospital with you .... how to 'self assess' yourself.

    You can ring our hotline 1800 500 258 to chat with someone if you need to offload at any time .... or ask your GP or the Cancer Centre to refer you to a Counsellor .... you could also listen to Charlotte Tottman's Podcasts on her own breast cancer experience - she is a specialist Breast Cancer Counsellor - and her podcasts are VERY easy to listen to.  (Click on the block showing LOTS of podcasts (show 22) - and start on No 13, which is the FIRST one of Series One. tottman

    You may also like to join the Private Choosing Breast Reconstruction Group and also the Flat Chat (No reconstruction) group, to get both sides of the debate .... remaining flat is usually a lot less recovery needed ... they have photos you can check out in both, too. xx
    Click on any group you'd like to join, here:

    That's great that your partner is a good support for you - Be kind to yourself, take a trusted friend with you to all your early appointments as a second set of ears - and consider recording them on your phone, so you can go over them later on.  Also ask for copies of all your reports (biopsy/pathology/Onc appointments) and put them in a big box, so you know where they are when you want to check them out!!

    take care & wishing you all the best xx
  • WhiteLight
    WhiteLight Member Posts: 38
    Hi @herplv there is already some great advice especially to listen to the podcasts, they are helping me. I can't imagine what you are going through as I only needed a lumpectomy, but the pain of the biopsy was awful. Make sure you have a good cry whenever you need it, its a great stress reliever and its no good to hold it all in as internal stress is worse. We are all here to support you even with just virtual hugs and kind words. 
    Look after yourself first now, sending hugs ❤️
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi @herplv
    You have come to the right place on this forum.
    We all “ get it” in a way someone who hadn’t had this diagnosis never will , no matter how empathetic they may be.
    I had a double mastectomy with DIEP flap reconstruction - the reconstruction was delayed as I had to have 28 rounds of radiotherapy due to the size of my tumour.
    It’s an emotional roller coaster and decisions about things like whether to have reconstruction and if so the type are difficult and extremely personal .
    There is an emotional toll as well as a physical one.
    i had a couple of sessions with a psychologist and the best advice was it’s ok to cry - I did a lot of crying in the first few weeks - including in the most random of places ( eg at the checkout in the supermarket).
    I had a core biopsy of my breast and it was black and blue for a week ( I bruise easily).
    I had a lot of bruising after the mastectomy - also a lot if pain - it’s important to take the painkillers they prescribe.
    My reconstruction was not anywhere as painful as the mastectomy was .
    Have a look at the private groups on reconstruction and staying flat - there are personal stories and photos on there that you will find helpful.
    Take care.🌺
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Hi @herplv like everyone on this network none of ever really expected to be here
    All the above advise is spot on 
    the one left off is DON’T DR GOOGLE
    it does your head in. Unless you have a medical degree it full of out dated information. 
    Yes the biopsy i think was my worst pain experience   As its one of the first things to happen you’re very unprepared. Eg pain relief before. 
    My biggest advice is take notes. Try to do as your told. And ask questions if you don’t understand, my team used to give me plain English answers and nothing is too silly, if they brush you off stand your ground remind them it your body. 
    Once you have your plan things will become clearer. 
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    edited May 2024
    Hello @herplv sorry to see you here.  My dog was such a comfort to me as I was going thru treatment during covid.  You are in a safe place here.   Wishing you all the best with your treatment.  
  • herplv
    herplv Member Posts: 15
    Being a pet sitter it has helped alot, plus my own dog as well... takes my mind off things... except the pain after the biopsy 
  • Zelda12
    Zelda12 Member Posts: 5
    How did you go with your surgeon @herplv - hoping you are getting on okay.
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    @herplv, just like to say hi. You’ve come to the right place. We all ‘get’ what you are going through. The ladies on this network are amazing. So come here if you have any questions.

    I lost count of the number of times I cried (took a few days to process I have BC, but didn’t cry straight away🤭). Then the tears came flowing and I couldn’t cry in front of my hubby as he would cry along with me🤣🙈🙈🙈, he did become stronger subsequently which helps me heaps as I went through chemo. 

    It’s hard not to think about the cancer as you wait for things to happen, the surgery, the results of the surgery etc. interestingly, I managed not to think about it during my early stages of being told I have cancer. I have a good GP who I discussed everything with and she was a tremendous emotional pillar for me. I told myself, I have BC and nothing will change the fact and I had to deal with it. Once I accepted the fact, I cried when I decided to cut all my hair before chemo. like you, sometimes I cry in the shower as I didn’t want to upset my hubby. Feels good after having a cry 😅!

    Feel free to come here for support. 🤗 

    Wishing you all the best for your journey. 

  • herplv
    herplv Member Posts: 15
    Finally I have a date for surgery... monday 22nd July