Scared yet again

Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
A year on Friday I first found out I had BC and to some of you I've had an easy ride.
Sat here so scared thinking it's come back back having loads of blood tests ultra sound and mri.
Only went to Dr for bad stomach thought helicabactor but Dr ordered loads of blood tests .
She rings me 8am Saturday morning go to emergency a crp result was 144 should be 5.
That score dropped to 80 redone in hospital.
My main pain is in lower back sent me for ultrasound all clear and today more bloods and mri just waiting on Dr to call.
Sorry for going on xx
I would love to know is everyone terrified when waiting on results if your not how do you cope.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473

    Waiting for results tests everyone. It’s human nature to imagine what we most fear. Every out of the ordinary symptom can be interpreted to mean ‘it’s back’! Except of course it doesn’t. 

    Having had cancer doesn’t make us immune to other things - infections of one sort or another, digestive upsets (intestinal
    bacteria can cause pain), all sorts of stuff. 

    As far as possible, distract yourself - watch a funny movie, get friends around, go for a walk and let nature calm you. Remember, anxiety will change absolutely nothing and help absolutely nothing. I found I got much better in time, but it can take quite a while. Best wishes for a reassuring result. 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    @Pommy8 Most of us are terrified waiting for results. It doesn't make a difference to the result but knowledge of what we have already been through is the biggest factor in this fear. I told myself it was cancer again and to deal with it. Harsh but it helped me. I think I must be a drama queen. Keeping busy seems to be most peoples go-to. Do something to distract yourself. Give yourself something special, you deserve it. Sending big hugs. This is not a nice time but I definitely 'get' it.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    So sorry that you are going thru this, @Pommy8 - I think we can all relate to anxiety that you are going thru xx  Any rise in the 'acceptable numbers' is always of concern :(  and yes, totally scary, specially when your GP tells you to go immediately to ER  :( 

    I've had huge CRP numbers in the past (my GP used to check it all the time) - even before I was diagnosed with BC ..... if you have any sort of arthritis (as I do) it can contribute to the high CRP numbers ..... they also put my onto Vioxx (anti inflam) when I injured my hip and it alone, sent my numbers sky high & also stuffed my liver - so much so, they thought I was an alcoholic, the numbers were so high .... 

    I hope everything settles for you - and good luck with your lung & spleen tests xx. Big hugs.  Take care
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Pommy8,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    @Pommy8 the waiting for the results is hard.   As the ladies have said try to distract yourself.  Our brains don't turn off.   Wishing you all the best.  
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @Pommy8 distraction is definitely the only way I’ve found on the waiting game for results it’s probably the worst part of this whole process. 
    Walking with favourite music seems to shut my brain up.  I also tried various hobbies.  Colouring in, needlework, crocheting, knitting , sewing, lego and painting with the grandkids is a great distraction. 
    Most of my stuff is in storage atm. boy do i miss being able to flip flop between them all. 
    All the best and big hugs