Thinking of all our members in flood affected areas - heartbreaking

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in Day to day
Our thoughts & prayers go out to everyone who's been affected in flood affected areas - from Qld east coast down to NSW mid & north coast areas, Sydney and even the southern coastal towns as well .....
I know some Brisbane areas copped it AGAIN over night, after cleaning up the first lot of mud & cleaning out their houses of ruined items ..... for it to happen again today, was just totally cruel.
BIG HUGS and sympathy to you all. xx
We've had 8 days of rain locally & so far, only some low lying areas around us have been flooded, but we have another 4+ days of it about to hit again, and being on tidal waters, the High Tides can be a big surprise (plus debris in the water as well) .... So we are hoping we won't be casualties this time. We've been flooded twice before downstairs ... but have done lots of mitigation/drainage in recent years to hopefully stop it happening again .... we'll find out soon, I guess.
Keep an eye on this website (that is predicting rainfall over the next 24hrs, 5 & 10 days .... ) It is still looking pretty scary in a lot of areas.,next5d,-28.821,153.322,5
take care, everyone. xx
I know some Brisbane areas copped it AGAIN over night, after cleaning up the first lot of mud & cleaning out their houses of ruined items ..... for it to happen again today, was just totally cruel.

We've had 8 days of rain locally & so far, only some low lying areas around us have been flooded, but we have another 4+ days of it about to hit again, and being on tidal waters, the High Tides can be a big surprise (plus debris in the water as well) .... So we are hoping we won't be casualties this time. We've been flooded twice before downstairs ... but have done lots of mitigation/drainage in recent years to hopefully stop it happening again .... we'll find out soon, I guess.
Keep an eye on this website (that is predicting rainfall over the next 24hrs, 5 & 10 days .... ) It is still looking pretty scary in a lot of areas.,next5d,-28.821,153.322,5
take care, everyone. xx
Hope you don't mind me adding to your discussion thread @arpie.
The Policy & Advocacy team also shared a timely article with our team today in relation to 'Mental health support after floods'. This may be a useful resource for those impacted
Take care and stay safe.2 -
Thank you @arpie and @Mez_BCNA.
I am one of the thousands in Brisbane flood affected. This is the second time I have been flooded. After the first time we put in massive drains to ensure it would never happen again.
Well everything would have been fine except a rain bomb stayed for days over Brisbane. We had 1000mm in 3 days and the final straw was 2 storm water drains that had there 75kg lids blow into the air with all the water pressure. These lids were 150 meter from my house. The water rushed into the neighbouring property and starting filling it up and finally into ours. The water was nearly 1 meter in height before it subsided.
Our garden is so damaged and everything went with the water to the back of our garden. All our bark is somewhere covering the block we live on. Pots, statues and other decorative things I had in my garden ended in one corner along with the rubbish bin.
The bottom storey of my house was flooded. Lots of furniture damage, floating timber floor boards ruined, carpets ruined, soft furnishings like cushions and rugs and a computer.
It all smells. We have industrial fans and an air purification machine from the assessor. We need that because we have a young man living with us who lives in this rooms. He is very stressed as we all are.
I also have to have a little surgery next month to fix a fissure that formed on one of my breast scars. It also has a cyst there which will get tested when they remove it.
There are many worse flooded homes and businesses in Queensland. It is surreal and some areas actually look like war zones. My 2 sisters are in these 'war zones'.
I keep telling myself it's ok because I have no control. It has been alot after my 2020 BC diagnosis and covid too. I take deep breaths and know it will eventually be sorted. Everything always works out.
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I am so sorry to hear of your damage and loss, @Cath62 - and especially after all the work you'd put in with the additional drainage etc - it seems that every year, we are having the 'one in 100 year flood' now ....
We were lucky - ours was just water, no mud.
Floods are just soul destroying. With a fire, you know straight up, that stuff is GONE ...but with a flood, you can still see it, touch it & have hope in your heart that it may 'come good' .... but all the bacteria in the mud & slush .. just makes it too dangerous to 'hang onto stuff' .... I hope you are wearing some sort of mask protection, too .... as some is minute airborne bacteria & can be very dangerous to the lungs, if it gets a foothold.
I hope your assessment is processed quickly & the muck cleared & cleaned asap ... Your garden WILL return to it's former glory xx
All the best for your surgery .. wishing you a hassle l hassle free recovery xx
take care xx4 -
Hi @arpie, we are ok. Noticed the leak in our roof over the deck is getting bigger because it needs fixed. No further flooding on lower level of house.
I doubt we will be further impacted because that rain bomb was so extreme and with 1100mm of water in 3 days it was just an extraordinary thing. I must admit that the heavy rain now makes me a bit nervous.
The assessor comes today so once they visit they do a report for the insurance company which takes a couple of wks or so and then the program of work can occur when scheduled. Not sure how long all that takes but no doubt it will be awhile yet. Thanks for thinking of us xxx1 -
So glad you've both been unscathed so far this time around ..... and I hope it remains so.
I looked out the window this morning & thought it looked 'ok' - as if it might try to fine up and then, Yep - it bucketed again! grrr (We've had solid rain for well over a week now & were cut off from the highway on the weekend too & just happened again ...) but very lucky there was only localised low ground flooding, no houses this time ....
take care, stay safe xx0 -
Thanks @arpie. The ongoing post flood issues in lots of places. I just got an email from Queensland Ballet and all performances this month are cancelled. This is because the performances were to be held at a theatre close to the Brisbane River. The area around it was flooded badly and so too all the underground carports. It is a sad for Queensland Ballet as they have been affected by covid too with having to cancel so many performances.0
That is such a shame @Cath62
So many businesses so badly impacted that will take years to recover. the last thing they needed was another flood.
It keeps on giving, sadly. Properties on the waterfront here (mainly restaurants & boat hire places) have been flooded today as well.Wth the big high tides coinciding with the extra 'big water' coming down the rivers ..... it will be ongoing for some time, methinks.