I have just been diagnosed



  • such is life
    such is life Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2015

    Hi just wanted to say great news re the birth, and I love the name, I am sure she will distract you with her beauty and wonderful new baby smell xx

    Cheers Narelle

  • bmc
    bmc Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter!! My Lily and Sophie are just beautiful little girls and I know you will just love your little one to bits just as I, and their Popstar (grandfather) do them. They are also are a good excuse to go shopping!!!

    Enjoy her (and ditto the fabulous baby smell), and take good care of yourself., mentally, physically and spiritually.


  • bmc
    bmc Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter!! My Lily and Sophie are just beautiful little girls and I know you will just love your little one to bits just as I, and their Popstar (grandfather) do them. They are also are a good excuse to go shopping!!!

    Enjoy her (and ditto the fabulous baby smell), and take good care of yourself., mentally, physically and spiritually.


  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    thankyou! life can definately have its pay off! so proud and in love with the little angel! cant believe i am a nana! watching my child holding his own child in his arms just overwhelmed me with so much love! what an amazing awesome gift she is xxx

  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    thankyou daina! just cant believe it... she is so precious and beautiful x

  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    thanks for your words! xx 

  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    my emotional responses are a litlle all over the shop>.. go from being all loving and mushy and then ten minutes later i am yelling at a man that tailgated me in the car>. slammed my brakes on, got out like a crazy woman and told him he was old enough to know better (was in his 60's) he even apologised haha! still havent cried yet! just keep on telling myself to be strong and the thought of little MYLAH SKYE has me smiling! i know it will eventually come though! i will be listening to your words on here and taking the advice of one day at a time! x i havent told you yet that my partner of four years lost his wife and the mother of his boys to this dreaded thing 10 years ago! she was only 34 years old! i feel selfish thinking i could be putting them all through this again! am hoping for a different outcome

  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    my emotional responses are a litlle all over the shop>.. go from being all loving and mushy and then ten minutes later i am yelling at a man that tailgated me in the car>. slammed my brakes on, got out like a crazy woman and told him he was old enough to know better (was in his 60's) he even apologised haha! still havent cried yet! just keep on telling myself to be strong and the thought of little MYLAH SKYE has me smiling! i know it will eventually come though! i will be listening to your words on here and taking the advice of one day at a time! x i havent told you yet that my partner of four years lost his wife and the mother of his boys to this dreaded thing 10 years ago! she was only 34 years old! i feel selfish thinking i could be putting them all through this again! am hoping for a different outcome

  • lanilumps71
    lanilumps71 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2015

    my emotional responses are a litlle all over the shop>.. go from being all loving and mushy and then ten minutes later i am yelling at a man that tailgated me in the car>. slammed my brakes on, got out like a crazy woman and told him he was old enough to know better (was in his 60's) he even apologised haha! still havent cried yet! just keep on telling myself to be strong and the thought of little MYLAH SKYE has me smiling! i know it will eventually come though! i will be listening to your words on here and taking the advice of one day at a time! x i havent told you yet that my partner of four years lost his wife and the mother of his boys to this dreaded thing 10 years ago! she was only 34 years old! i feel selfish thinking i could be putting them all through this again! am hoping for a different outcome

  • serenity11
    serenity11 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations Nanna.  Emotional is OK.  Rant and rave, cry, laugh it is all natural.  Dont hold back as it is quite a big release and you will feel better when its out.  Dont feel guilty ( easy to say not so easy to feel).  No one asks for this insidious disease.  And I dont think there is a pink chick who would want another to have it.

    If you havent already start a journal/diary.  I find that writing thoughts down helps.  Plus as I have gone through the chemo I have found writing down the changes, events, instructions etc have helped build a picture of how my body reacts and the phases to expect each cycle.  Also in my diary I write the questions that pop into my head to as the nurses or doctor.

    I found Dr Google helpful and overwhelming at the same time.  There is alot of good information out there on various cancer sites and some useful links to group suport.  There is also some scary stuff, but it all helped me formulate questions to ask my Oncology team. Now I am into the treatment phase I find I dont consult Dr Google often unless I  am looking for a book.  

    Be gentle on yourself. Take care.  And remember you are not alone. 

  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    You are NOT putting anyone through anything, you did NOT ask for this, you do NOT want this, this is happeneing to yuo, you are dealing with it and they will too.

    You are not selfish, but you will learn that you have to be a little selfish during your journey to get what you need and to recover. It is HARD, but you need to learn to say - No sorry can't do that , or I am going to go and have a nap - look after yourselves until I am back up and about, or no I can't deal with that at the moment, I have to much else on my plate or my head isn't in the right place to do that.

    Never appologise for what you need.

    It is 100% normal to go from happy to sad to angry etc, you will infact go through all the stages of denial during your journey - from denial - no I don't have this bloody disease, to acceptance - Ok I have this what is next.

    Don't be afraid to cry the worst thing you can do for your mental health is to bottle it all up, see a cancer councellour if you need to, that is what they are there for (same goes for partner and his kids), his kids if between 12 and 24 can also join Canteen to get help and fun through them (they are for kids of parents with cancer or who's parent(s) have passed away from cancer (and they qualify for both of those)..

    Make sure you take Me time to cope with what is going on - scream, yell, cry, laugh what ever you need to do in the moment, and if it means yelling at 60 yr old men who are tailgating you, then go for it.


  • chipmunk
    chipmunk Member Posts: 280
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lanilumps

    That is a beautiful name that your grand daughter has. Such a little angel, for you to focus on.

    When the days aren't so good, just have a photo of your grand daughter to help you through. She will make you smile from ear to ear......

    Hope all goes well , and please keep posted.

    love and hugs Julie XX

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