Very Hopeful



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Bloody Hell - that's a bit tough, @Pip47 - Shingles can be very painful - so I hope they can control that discomfort for you.  An elderly aunt who had it, had a Compounding Chemist make up a mix of aspirin that was liquified & mixed into an 'alcohol base' that was gently dabbed onto the rash - and it helped her bigtime! She was 90 at the time.

    The colonoscopy is 'relatively easy' (tho the prep leading up to it is rather 'ordinary'!)  I had one just 2 weeks ago after a bit of a scare (my results from the Gov one 4 weeks previous had been clear - but I don't always trust these annual tests any more!) - luckily all was good from mine!  Just piles & diverticulitis!

    All the best with your pathology results - then you'll have a good idea of your plan   xxxx
  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    I start the prep tomorrow I need to know answer in case I have to start radiation on my breast. Thanks for your help.😀
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Sending PM, @Pip47 re colonoscopy

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh @Pip47, it sure does! Big hug lovely, K xox
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 Oh dear, this was not supposed to happen!! You must not know which way to turn with so many tests/results coming your way. Hard to focus on one thing when you have so much going on. lets get this colonoscopy out of the way & if they do find something, then you can get on to that ASAP. As @arpie said, the prep is worse than the procedure & think of it as a good way to lose a couple of pounds & cleanse your system!!
    It is good that they said your BC surgery went well, so thats a positive so now its just the waiting game for the results. Try not to worry as you cant change that result. The more stress you put on your body at the moment is only going to make things worse so try to focus on what you do know & not what may happen.
    Such bad luck about the shingles too but hopefully the doctors will have a management plan for you to ease the pain. 
    Many of us, including me, have had other diseases/problems/recurring symptoms arise following our cancer diagnosis. It seems one thing can effect the other so we are all now forever being monitored/blood tested to make sure we dont develop anything else. Its like a revolving door!! I wonder how any of us have time to work with all the medical appts & checkups we are having now!! 
    Try to stay strong & keep ticking off those boxes. let us know how you get on tomorrow & the pathology results of your surgery. Fingers crossed for clear margins with minimal treatment & a clear colonoscopy! Love & hugs xx

  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 Hope all went well with your colonoscopy. i guess you are patiently waiting for those results as well as those from your surgery. Stay strong & keep positive. Sending love & hugs xx
  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    Anne65 I saw my Dr yesterday and very good results I'm still trying to process it. He took out the milk duct and a large margin around it free of cancer. His suggestion no radiation, but suggests I see a radiation expert to give me a complete eye view on what could happen in the future. Colonoscopy & gastrophy this morning a polyp was removed and sent to pathology, he also found a hemorrhoid which could have been where the blood came from. Thank you to all I think I have been in a bit of a daze for the last 3 weeks.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Woohoo @Pip47 !!  You've had a helluva few weeks ..... Great that both your procedures have been done & surgeons all happy! All the best for your polyp path!  Take care & all the best for your ongoing treatment xx 
  • Felicia29
    Felicia29 Member Posts: 23
    What a time you've had. I know the haze you have been in as I've been in it too. I was lucky and my bowel screening was clear. I hope you get good results from you polyp test. Take care xx
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 So happy to hear your news & such great path results from your surgery. Fingers crossed your polyp test comes back OK too.
    After my DCIS surgery, I had clear margins so I was borderline whether to have rad or not, like you. I went to a rad onc to discuss & after discussion, we decided to go ahead only because my cancer was aggressive. They really left it up to me to decide. I learnt at the recent BCNA conference that doctors are now looking to do less rather than more, when it comes to treatment so that is why we are hearing many stories of people not having rad/chemo/medications. I guess every case is different so speak to your rad expert & write down any questions you have. One thing i ask mine was "If it was your wife, would you recommend her have rad treatment if she was in my position" & he said yes so that was good enough for me! Stay strong & positive & look after yourself. let us know what you decide to do. xx