Very Hopeful

Pip47 Member Posts: 22
edited August 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Diagnosed DCIS 10th August, I saw a surgeon yesterday and have now booked the hospital  for the 3rd of September. I have decided to only have the involved milk ducts removed. Hopefully there will be a clear line around and I will not have to have radiation. The surgeon was talking about breast reconstruction on the day as well, I have decided to only have the cancer removed as everything else is in the too hard basket at the moment as I have had two major surgeries in the past 11 months. Well wishes to all those in the same situation as myself.:)


  • Mightystar
    Mightystar Member Posts: 35
    All the best for the surgery. I couldn’t bring myself to do reconstruction, the cancer diagnosis was enough for me at that point. I believe that we make the right decisions for ourselves at those times. Take care x
  • Felicia29
    Felicia29 Member Posts: 23
    Thanks for your post. I'm waiting for a full diagnosis and plan so not quite up to where you are. Good luck with your surgery and thanks for sharing the choice that you made. 
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 Good luck with your surgery & great that you have your path planned. I also had DCIS, Grade 1 but invasive with no node involvement. I had a great surgeon who decided the best for me was a lumpectomy. Following surgery, I had clear margins & as no nodes were involved, they even debated whether I would even need rad. treatment. After meeting with my onc, we decided I would go ahead with 3 weeks of rad treatment, even though my margins were clear, as my cancer was aggressive. It is that insurance policy in case a little cell was missed!!  rad treatment was a breeze. I used Mepitel film so had no redness/burning & didnt have to use any creams. I am on no medication either so was very lucky with my outcome.
    Good on you if you dont have to have any treatment. be guided by the medical team & the results following surgery. I was like you & agreed with my surgeon to have a lumpectomy over a mastectomy as I thought why take it off if a smaller operation would do the trick. It's a gamble game but i am happy with my decisions & the rad provided me the extra protection without having chemo.
    All the best & stay positive & strong. love & hugs xx 
  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    May I ask what is Mepitel Film, I have never heard of it. Thank you/
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @pip47 Mepitel is a film that goes on the skin to be irradiated.  It affects how the radiation enters the skin (somehow - can't quite remember - by changing the depth, I think).  It doesn't make the treatment any less but does protect the skin a lot.  I was treated in a public hospital and had to ask for the film.  No problem in getting it but it wasn't offered up front.  There was a couple of days when I had a slight gap between two pieces.  In that short time, I got a dark tan line so I know it did do a lot to protect me.  It stayed on all week during treatment and then I could take it off for the weekend and moisturise the area.  I had no real problems with my skin except for a red tender spot 3 weeks after treatment finished.
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 Many ladies on this forum have used Mepitel & I know that Giovanna is a huge advocate of it also. I have a link below which describes it to you. I had my treatment at a private hospital & they used it often.
    It is reasonably new & my onc was very much in favour of it. It is like an invisible film that sticks to your body over the radiation area. It is VERY important that the film has no tears or bubbles in it so I had a nurse check me every day before treatment & if needed, performed & nip & tuck to ensure it was sticking directly to my skin. They may replace it entirely if it starts to lift at all but best to leave it in place. It basically reflects the rad beam so it doesnt penetrate your skin. The film stays on you the entire treatment plus around 3 weeks after treatment has finished as that is when the radiation hits it peak, which does seem strange I know. The great thing about mepitel is that you dont use ANY creams throughout the whole process. You can shower normally also but try not to rub vigorously or the film may come off. Yes, you may initially feel like a cryovac chicken but you do get used to it. My 3 y.o. great niece called it "my special skin" as she knew it was protecting me!
    Its so important that if you feel any bubbles in the film, that you let the nurse know as bubbling actually makes it worse. The rad beam actually reflects back into your skin. The nurse at the hospital checked me every day & they dont mind as that is there job. You may as well see them every day to ensure it is OK otherwise it defeats the purpose.
    I finished 3 weeks of treatment with no redness, burning or peeling. You wouldnt have even known I had rad treatment. I couldnt believe how good my skin looked, just as it did before. I was very lucky to have been offered this product. I took the film off myself around 3 weeks after it finished & then I just used a Vit e non-scented moisturiser over my skin just because it has been wrapped up in film for 5 weeks.
    You need to use fragrance free & non scented bodywash using the treatment also just to minimise any reaction.
    I do hope you can get hold of it or ask for it if they can get it in. i know it can be different in private & public hospitals. I am a huge supporter of this product if you maintain it well. I have seen pics of rad burns that really shocked me so i know I have been lucky.Good luck & let us know how you get on. Love & hugs xx

  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    Anne65 thank you for all the information, sounds wonderful.
  • Mich15
    Mich15 Member Posts: 2
    Good luck for the surgery! 
    I had invasive lobular cancer and advised for both breasts to be removed. Cancer was in the left.
    I was told v unlikely need for Chemo.
    I opted for immediate recon.
    However, I soon realised that having an  immediate recon, then needing Chemo meant I had to wait for the Chemo treatment to be finished before we could start putting air into the expanders.
    This meant no running/jogging during Chemo, over 6months, which  was a shock to my exercise is really part of my life.
    Also, having the air expanders in over the period of 6months of Chemo would be a challenge. They are not very comfortable. I had to learn to sleep on my back too.
    Both my recon breasts had wounds, so, in the end, I needed to have both removed.
    I was fine with this, as it meant I could give my best to Chemo without the concerns of further wounds and the ability to exercise-running! Yay!! 
    Have had my first Chemo treatment and out running gently at this point.
    So, it is always something to go back to, if desired, to have recon at a later date.
  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    Well done, you have certainly been very resilient and strong. I am not an exercise person walking is about all I do, I only had a hip replacement 3 months ago.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    All the best for your surgery, @Pip47 - I was amazed at how 'easy' it was for me, given how scared I was going into it!  They gave me a whole BOX of tissues as I was being admitted!  LOL

    The waiting from diagnosis to surgery really is the pits - just try & keep as busy as you can, doing things you love doing to keep your mind busy!  Once you've had your surgery & got your pathology results, you'll have a much clearer idea of your treatment plan.

    Mine was invasive lobular (1/18) & I was lucky to avoid chemo, then I had 4 weeks of radiation & now on hormone tablets.  I arranged a holiday to Norfolk Island a couple of weeks after rads, as a 'Pick Me Up'!

    Where abouts are you - State/town - you can add it to your profile so it shows - then others living nearby may be able to recommend different facilities available to you.  ;)  

    Whack up any questions you may have - we've all been there, so someone will will give you a 'straight up' answer!

    Most of us have found the Forum invaluable for both support and information  xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Gosh @Mich15 - you've had a hard time of it!  Good on you for getting back out there running as soon as you could.  My hubby is a triathlete & lost most of his stomach to cancer - and was back competing just 5 months after chemo - even competing in numerous World Championships as well over the last 10 years!  

    All the best with your chemo - watch out for the sun factor tho, as your skin can become very sensitive to it  xx

  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Mich15 Lovely to meet a fellow runner! I am an exercise-aholic. I am suffering achilies tendinitis (3rd time) & shoulder bursitis at the moment from TOO MUCH running/power walking & strength workouts. I am usually over doing it so find myself feeling shattered when my injuries or BC surgery/treatment put a stop to it all momentarily. 
    Despite my small hiccup at the moment, within 12 months plus 1 week, following my BC surgery, I was back running 10km/ 3 times a week. I had surgery 21 Dec '17, 3 weeks of rad treatment Feb/March '18, ovary tube removal April '18 & 8 monthd later on New Years eve '18, I ran my first 10km. I was over the moon as that was my goal! So you can do it too!
    I'm sure my exercise has helped me get through it all so keep up your good work. It will make you stronger & keep your mind focused on something you love. It also helps you sleep & maintain a general healthy outlook. 
    Good luck with the chemo & exercise. Gently, gently but do what you can as you know it will make you feel better both in mind & body. Love & strength xx
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,067
    Dear @Pip47

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Pip47 Thinking of you & wishing you love & strength for your surgery tomorrow. You must be feeling all sorts of emotions but this is the BIG box to get ticked off & getting that disease out of your body! Then you can concentrate on whatever treatment may follow, if any at all!! let us know how you get on & fingers crossed for an easy road ahead & a great recovery. xx
  • Pip47
    Pip47 Member Posts: 22
    @Anne65 I think I must have done something wrong in a former life. Had my operation last Tuesday all went well. Wednesday received notification that my Bowel test was positive, Thursday my Dr took a swab and thinks I have Shingles, I am still waiting for result to come back from Pathology. The lesion is just above where the cut is on my breast. I have it covered so the germ does not travel. Will get the results from op on Monday the Tuesday I'm having a colonoscopy to see what happened in that area. Keeping positive though I nearly broke up when one of my Doctors patted me on the shoulder, I know he ment well but sometimes it gets too much.