The journey begins...

Ginamae Member Posts: 10
edited August 2019 in Newly diagnosed
So glad I found this network... I was diagnosed on Tuesday and will be meeting with the surgeon next Thursday. The physicians, technicians and staff at the Sydney Breast Clinic have been very supportive, and confident of a good outcome. Seems a bit like it's happening to someone else... blessed by my precious husband. 😍


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Best wishes for next Thursday @Ginamae. I felt very detached when I was first diagnosed so I know that feeling. Take care and welcome to the forum, so pleased you found us. xxx Big hugs
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Welcome @Ginamae. I still sometimes feel that it's all happened to someone else! I think in the beginning it's part of our brain's effort to protect ourselves.

    I'm glad you have a lovely partner by your side (I have one too!). It makes a big difference.

    Hit us up for any question, it's a great hive mind, and a vent when you need one. Nobody gets it like someone who's been there. Best of luck, K xox
  • Ginamae
    Ginamae Member Posts: 10
    Thank you for your support and caring comments. I guess until I meet with the surgeon it's all pretty much in limbo... one day at a time :) 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Welcome to the club that no one really wanted to join .... yes, sometimes it really does feel like you are watching it all from above!  Weird, eh?

    There is a wealth of information here, as well as some good laughs, which is also great medicine.  If you want to see any previous comments on any subject raised in your meetings, you can put one or more words in the ‘search’ area (too right on the Discussions page’) and choose different threads to read.

    Maybe even consider recording your meetings with your surgeon, Onc, etc (I did) ... it is difficult to take it all in on the day and easy to forget bits that may be important.  There are lots of free recording apps for phones.

    All the best with your meeting next week, @Ginamae
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It's all a bit unknown prior that first appointment. Ask for copies of everything as it helps later as you learn more and want to check your path etc. Welcome to the site.
  • Ginamae
    Ginamae Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the advice 😊It's the wee hours and my mind won't shut down. Oh well, sudoku helps 😂
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Ginamae, Hope next Thursday brings you a clear direction and options for treatment. Can you have some fun and time out this weekend?

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    This time in between diagnosis and treatment is it's own little Hell.  Try to distract yourself as best you can but it's pretty normal to veer between unreality and despair.  Believe it or not, when you embark on your treatment course, you will almost certainly feel more positive - anxious maybe, but more positive.
  • Ginamae
    Ginamae Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for your kindness, Sister 🌹
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Ginamae Write down your questions for the consultation, and it's a good idea to take someone with you to your consultation (that perfect partner sounds ideal! - or a woman friend), and also ask if you can record it. It's amazing how much comes back when you listen to it later that hadn't sunk in at the time. This time - waiting for your appointment - is a good time for lots of walks - good for your body in preparing for treatment, but also stress-relieving and triggers reflection. Take a notebook or phone to record questions that come to your mind while you're walking. Keep asking questions until you understand. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into anything you're not comfortable with. Ask for a phone number you can use - or email address - for questions that occur to you in the days after your consultation. All the best.
  • Ginamae
    Ginamae Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the great advice, Flaneuse 🌹
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Ginamae Sending you love & strength for Thursday. So good that you have been surrounded by a wonderful husband & great staff at the breast clinic.
    Try not to stress too much as cancer feeds on stress so you will only make things worse. Dont over think at this early stage as the goal posts often change so you may find yourself worrying about a diagnosis or treatment that may never eventuate. Deal with what you do know & not what may happen down the track. easier said than done.
    Get online & find a McGrath breast care nurse that lives near you. I found one early on in my diagnosis & I am so happy I did. I emailed her to introduce myself & sent her all the pathology/doctors reports so she knew what I was dealing with. They are highly trained so can answer all your medical & emotional questions & even talk to your family if they wish to talk to someone.
    Take time for yourself & accept all offers of food/house cleaning as your family & friends will want to support you. Deep breaths & you will get there, one step at a time & we will all be here to support you. love & strength xx 
  • Ginamae
    Ginamae Member Posts: 10
    Such caring wisdom, Anne. For yearsI have hosted Pink Stumps Days in my schools and I never thought to seek out that help; thank you. 💐