Serena singing to raise awareness



  • wren71
    wren71 Member Posts: 44
    I loved it. I found my lump at 16mm quite by accident. I might have found it earlier if reminded by a song such as this (which I had in the past or by friends who have had breast cancer and reminded people to check on FB). My surgeon said that the size of my ‘felt’ lump was the average size and around 50% similar position and size are felt. I guess I was lucky that it was in a weird spot and easily felt. 
    Promotions won’t work for everyone and but even if it gets a handful of women to feel themselves and of that handful one lump is found early, isn’t that something? 
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Yes of course.  I did acknowledge that many breast cancers are found this way and I'm glad u found yours in time wren and of course anyone else that was diagnosed after finding a lump or after any kind of reminder that's great. 
    My concern is that ladies will think feeling a lump is the definitive indicator of breast cancer and im arguing that it isnt. Mammograms hurt and are inconvenient but in my case  and many others necessary for diagnosis.  Also serena holding her cleavage isnt showing how you check for lumps so it's not particularly educational really. The song is about masturbation. Chrissy amphlett wrote the song, so for her to ironically twist the meaning after she was diagnosed  is different to making it an anthem. Once again my opinion only .  
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    To be honest, I've never heard the song before - either by Chrissie Amphlett or the Aussie version - so Serena's is the first version I'd heard!!   As a 'non singer' - that takes real guts to get up & do that in front of a camera - naked!

    I don't think Serena's version is any more 'sexualised' than the naked Aussie version .... she didn't  move other than blinking an eye - the camera panned out - that was it!   The Aussie version isn't showing how to check for lumps either.

    The tennis rant was unfortunate - but it was after the video was made so shouldn't be associated with it - and compared to all the blokes who rant on a regular basis - was wildly overblown in the media.  :(    

    As they say - any media is good media - and it will definitely have a lot of people talking about it!!   Job DONE!!  ;) 

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  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I liked it.

    I think it's useful to have a variety of people, known and unknown, from a variety of occupations and backgrounds, used in ads to draw attention to any aspect of breast cancer. In a variety of ways. We're all familiar with so many aspects of BC, but how often have we read here people's surprise at a wide range of BC areas that they had no idea about?

    There will be people who have barely any knowledge of who Serena Williams is, but for others, having one of the world's greatest athletes contribute this reminder, will cut through and may just make them examine their breasts.

    It wouldn't have worked for me as my tumour wasn't palpable. But it does work for many.

    It's impossible to be all things to all people. I actually think the BCNA does a good job of being many things to many people. And Berlei put their money where their mouth is and give us free bras when we sorely need help. Kudos.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    If I remember correctly, at the time the Aussie one was done just after Chrissie died and it was as a practical tribute from Australian singers to her.  It was certainly quite powerful when it came out.  Personally, Serena leaves me cold and I can't see the link between her and the song but as @kmakm says, if it works for others, it works.

    Self-examination would not have worked for me, either.  Even the GPs at Breastscreen weren't sure they could feel anything and they already had the suss mammogram to go by.

    It won't help if there are no visible symptoms but maybe it's time for a campaign along the lines of the lemon picture.  By that I mean, the other small visible changes that could indicate breast cancer.  Many women are aware of what a lump could mean even if they choose to ignore it.  However, that campaign has been so successful that I think most women think that it is the only sign of cancer until they find out the hard way @Giovanna_BCNA?  
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I like the box of lemons too. I couldn't feel anything even when I knew where the tumour was. It was a bit of pinkness and a slight twinge that got me to my GP, who promptly referred me to a breast specialist. As with the beast itself, it's not all one set of circumstances or one set of treatments. So different strokes and different campaigns make sense. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,805
    I needed a mammogram for diagnosis. I couldn't feel anything, so someone telling me to feel myself wouldn't have turned anything up

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Excellent discussion - Thankyou one and all!
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    As @arpie says, any publicity is good publicity. The cynic, of course, finds the timing interesting (WTF is a brand ambassador anyway) and the conversations I've heard about this seem peppered by "Oh, Serena can sing." Good for her. Nice publicity.

    I believe people are precisely as aware as they chose to be. If you think it's helpful, that's excellent. It still give me the irrits :)

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited October 2018
    I couldn't feel my tumours even after my GP found them - and nor did the mammogram or ultrasound identify them weeks later.

    Tho I think awareness & self detection is still how most are found.

    I now advise family members & friends to have their GP check their boobs every time they have a Pap Smear.

    @Zoffiel    'Brand Ambassadors' have been 'on the rise' over the last 20 years or so - think George Clooney & the Coffee Pod things ...... I think Jennifer Anniston did a Hair Product ..... Deborah Hutton was with Womens Weekly (or was it Myer?)  Usually High Profile names paid MEGA BUCKS to spruik their cause (often with the adverts NOT being shown in the country of the Star's origin as a part of the contract!)
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It's funny (and it's probably something to do with my complete indifference to Serena, and to celebrities in general) but I don't feel any connection to this at all and I find it hard to imagine anyone would.  And before anyone sees this as an issue, I do stress that I realise it's probably just me.  Yep, Serena is a woman so there's that but I don't feel there's anything in particular that links her with this cause, and that may just be that I know nothing about her other than that she plays tennis.  To the cynical me, this is just good PR for her.  And as was said earlier, this song was never intended to be about breast checks, it was only used as such in a tribute immediately after Chrissie's death, and at least some of those women knew her.  So, I do hope that too much money wasn't paid to use Serena because I'm not sure it has much resonance.  I hope that I am wrong.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I must admit @Sister - I too was surprised when Serena was used to head the program.   I am hoping she donated her time for the campaign .... and she probably designed the snake skin design bra, too, with profits from sales going to BCNA

    I am sure she regretted what happened on court and hopefully it won’t happen again. 

    For or those who didn’t see the interview, here it is ....
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Just received my Chrissy T-shirt bra. It is beautiful.