Felt like a prize Idiot.

Blondy Member Posts: 238
  Today has been an interesting day I never want again. I had my first mammogram and ultrasound today 11 months post diagnosis, lumpectomy, no spread, chemo and radiotherapy. Later I picked up my 2 envelopes and sat in the car and read my mamm and ultrasound results. The mammogram was very pleasing. Then I read the ultrasound and FREEEEEEAKED out. There was a word in it that I knew was NOT good, and the end result suggested I get a biopsy. I rang my surgeon for an earlier appt as I have one a month away, but no go. I rang the BCNA helpline and although they dont offer medical advice she suggested I ring back to my surgeons reception and explain WHY I wanted to come in earlier. The surgeons receptionist assured me that when the results were read and if I needed to be dealt with earlier I would be called in. Whilst I was Dr Googling all of the medical terms in the ultrasound report I thought I would get my original report and read it, because THAT word that I know, was mentioned, and its when I learnt its meaning. I have mammograms going back over 10 years but I couldnt find my last years mammogram and ultrasound that started this whole BC thing. I hunted high and low. Then Gren rings up on his break so all I could do was blubber down the phone. I decided to go to my GP and see if he could decipher my ultrasound report. I asked for an elderly doctor and the receptionist laughed. I did get the only senior one there and he was sooooooo nice. Anyway he reads my mammogram report and asks what was bothering me (cus I'm having a bigger blubber by now, in fact I ve lost it). I read him the ultra sound bits I didnt like. He asked me when did I get the ultrasound done and I said today and he showed me at the top of the report , the date. It was SEPT 2017. Then it dawned on me. The 2 envelopes I picked up were one for today and the other was last years, for them to use as a comparison. I had been reading the original ultrasound report from last year. What I had today was contained in the one report ........... What a right royal twat I am .I reckon I can now officially say I have Brain Fog.............. END RESULT. NO SUSPICIOUS ABNORMALITY DEMONSTRATED. I never want to relive these last few hours. Worse than the diagnosis. I have picked myself up off the floor and am ready to WHOOP it up.

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  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    Ah @Blondy sounds like when I had a couple of kittens over the word ''metastatic" in my biopsy pathology report (prior to MRI, CT scan etc.) Took me a while to realise it was referring to lymph nodes only.

    Sounds like you are enjoying your post panic high anyway :smiley:
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh dear! What a ghastly day... You must be emotionally exhausted! Sleep well tonight. K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Glad I'm not the only one who does shit like that. Nothing like a bit of redlining to test the old ticker, though there are probably more enjoyable ways to test your cardiac capacity.

     It's probably no comfort that you've made the GPs day, both that he didn't have to give you bad news and that he will have a nice little anecdote he can pull out next time he has someone in the surgery who is all unravelled over a year old report. Thanks for sharing the story, I feel a bit more normal. Is that a good thing?
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    Well Zoffiel I reckon this is our kind of normal lol I've had a week of it. It's either my new normal or just a passing phase of madness. Kmakm I just looked in the mirror before bed and didn't recognise my puffy eyes. At least I smiled back. Vangirl, that would be the worst word. Mine horror word was 'spickled'. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Oh Blondy - a day of terror not to be repeated.  I hope you slept okay last night.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Thank goodness.  I can totally understand how you would feel.  You are definitely not alone in doing things like that. My scans are booked for three weeks time.  Scanxiety, here we go.

    @Vangirl.  I got my initial results on a Friday.  "Highly suspicious for metastatic breast cancer " were the words on there.  I spent the whole weekend googling myself to death. Literally.  Worst weekend of my entire life.  
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    @kezmusc jeez they shouldn't bandy about that word!

    I was shown the 'spiculated' mass on my mammogram four or five days before I got the pathology and thus spent four or five days in sleepless limbo, googling til my eyes popped, unable to eat. When I was finally told I had cancer it was actually a relief!
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    Oh yes soul Sister. I slept like a log, thank you. 
  • DearB
    DearB Member Posts: 205
    Omg gosh so glad you read the wrong report, i had my scans yesterday and they didn't give me anything so i just wait and wait and wait.......they said 2/3 business days.

  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    @DearB and @Blondy what follow up scans do they do? Just mammogram or an MRI/ultrasound/something else?
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Thinking if you @dearb
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    Vangirl, it was mammogram and up to them if they wanted to do an ultrasound which they did.. Dear that's a long time to wait. Whenever I have any imaging done for anything it's always ready to pick up in 3 hours if its late in the day they can be picked up next day. 2/3 days wait would be criminal. Maybe if it's rural there could possibly be a delay. Kezmusc, an wishing you successful scans. My doctor told me my diagnosis on a Friday night of a long weekend and told me nothing. I was like you, had the most awful time until the following Friday when I saw my surgeon. Every second is like a year when you have no knowledge 
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    That's the sort of thing I would do!!  I'm glad you're okay :smile:
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited August 2018
    @DearB   <3
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    No you have scanxiety and I imagine we would all have done the  same thing. Woohoo on good results. Forever changed. X

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