Porta cath



  • Bubbles25
    Bubbles25 Member Posts: 3
    Feeling so much better today. No more redness.
    Starting chemo on Tuesday so it should be good by then. Here’s hoping that all goes well x 

  • Jrcn
    Jrcn Member Posts: 16
    Great advice ladies, thanks. I had my Port put in yesterday and its feeling quite sore today.
  • Dawnc
    Dawnc Member Posts: 31
    I have found all of the above comments very helpful I have my Porta Cath appointment to have put in on 18th June. I willhave my first lot of chemo though a week before so will be via IV Yuk! I have hidden veins so am anxious about this. First dose Trastuzumab & Paclitaxel will be 3.5 hours not looking forward to this. I still have a hard time sleeping on my right side from lumpectomy then 5 weeks later re-excision BC in right breast! Now with a Porta Cath going in left side over heart gosh I need a third side hey! Oh well onward & upward.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I slept on my back for weeks, @dawnc.  Good luck with it.
  • kmcin28
    kmcin28 Member Posts: 63
    Can anyone tell me how long after treatment is finished that the portacath stays in. The surgeon advised 12 months, I was also told that if you have a recurrence that they can't put it back in the same spot. Also has anyone had trouble going through security at airports with it. 
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited June 2018
    Hi @kmcin28. I've heard of people having their port removed almost as soon as they finish active treatment. On the flip side, I'm 2&1/2 years out from active treatment and still have mine. 
    I haven't been told that about if you ever need another one, but it kind of makes sense, with scar tissue and so on. I wouldn't want another one in the same spot, anyway. Mine is so central
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I am sure there's been women on here that have had more than one put in.  As for having them out, I know that some have had to wait and others have them out immediately.  I guess it may depend on your treatment and whether the doctor thinks it may be useful in the next 12 months to save your veins.  Personally, while I've appreciated it during chemo, I'll be glad to see the back of mine as soon as I've finished.
  • bakerr
    bakerr Member Posts: 23
    I had mine put in under a local, it was a really funny experience. They took 30 mins to find a vein that worked, so I am sure there were some quite annoyed people. so I kinda drifted in and out and then woke up to them discussing me, apparently I had a major vein in the way, and the doctor was a little hesitant to go ahead, I think he hadn't put this type in before. So I was really impressed he got another doctor to help him with the procedure. It was really funny listening to them working out the best way to do it. At this point I don't think they knew I was awake lol. I felt I was a star on Hospital TV, a pity they noticed and sent me back to sleep.  I have to keep it until the end of the year. Just make sure you ask them to be gentle when they access it, I was sore for a week after one treatment. 
  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    Woohoo, had my port removed today! Finished chemo June 15 and oncologist said no need to keep in. Cant be used by just anyone anyway, and saves having to have it flushed every 6 weeks or so. So glad the bloody thing is out. As great as it was for chemo (and it was cause i hate needles and would regularly faint) it was so annoying and always uncomfortable. 
  • kmcin28
    kmcin28 Member Posts: 63
    @bakerr They are great for treatment and I've had very little trouble with mine, there is one chemo nurse I'm always happy not to get she's rough putting it in and rough taking it out, hasn't got much bedside manner either. All the others are great I only put the emla cream on in case I get her.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Josephine66 Hooray!

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