Doing what you LOVE to do - before, during & after BC! What's YOUR favourite?



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    WOW!  @Annie C    What an amazing place you live in!!  It will DEFINITELY be on my list when we do The Big Lap!!   hahaha  looks like my tide watch won't be any good up there for the tides!!  My brother lived in Nhulunbuy/Gove for many years & had the same problem.  He is also a yachtie & has sailed the Kimberley a few times.  I'll have to give your golf course a shot too!  LOL  haha If I owned a new agency, I'd be reading ALL the fishing mags, all the Gold Fossicking mags .... half the books ...... there wouldn't be enough time to work!  ;)  

    Great pic, @Blondy    Great to know there's another singer or two out there!!  Yep, when I am playing uke & fishing (and most of the time) all my cares fall away.  Losing your voice (or some of your range) would be devastating - just take it easy & don't strain it - it should come back.  xx

    We are having a fundraiser for a buddy just diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia & I am donating a set of 10 ukulele lessons & the use of a uke for the period of the lessons (worth $300-500) and hope someone puts in a bid for it!!

    @AllyJay  OMG!  You'd NEVER get me up in ANY aircraft with the intention to jump out of it - tho my niece did!! She did hundreds of jumps out near Camden.  hmmm, tho I 'could' almost see me in a hot air balloon .....

    You are totally right about the Eleanor Rigby face .... you put on whichever one suits the occasion or how you are feeling at the time.   Usually it is my 'happy face' feel free to RANT AWAY here, where we all totally understand what is going on! xx  ;)  
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    AllyJay. My stomach flips at the thought of heights. At least you can look back and know you did those things rather than wishing you had. Love the face thing. Sometimes putting on the happy face lifts us up. The meltdowns never stop but best to let it out and move on rather than bottle it up. Gave my hubby a voucher for one of those indoor skydive. Crikey it cost 129 which I didn't mind, however I felt pretty ripped off when all he got for it was two 50 second goes. We spent 3 hours travelling there and back home for it. 
  • Blondy
    Blondy Member Posts: 238
    Yes kmakm. It is bloody hard work staying afloat. It shows how strong we are and we can pat ourselves on the back for each step up. Being positive when it's so hard to do so is my lifeline. I have to find a way out.. I really feel when people are down 
  • Harvey1903
    Harvey1903 Member Posts: 190
    Have been to Derby - we left there to go to the horizontal waterfalls.  Tides are amazing and a lovely place.  We sat through a mud football game which was terrific.  Basically a footy oval filled with water, at the end there was a comp to see which four wheel drive could make it through the mud.  Have been there a few times along the Gibb River Road.  Lovely spot.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Always feel free to vent your rage here, ladies (and gents) - I certainly do.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    My little piece of heaven is a month every year at Port Elliot in the van. I have travelled the world extensively but can honestly say there is no where else I’d rather be. I am a book addict - my husband used to say it was cheaper than wallpaper but now mutters a lot about floorboard strength.I like being out and about in my community be it volunteering at my local op shop , having a cuppa with my neighbors or shopping with a friend. Since bc I have discovered a twice weekly Stretch/Balance class I enjoy and have taken up walking which I also like. I guess I like being around people and being active. I wish I was creative be it gardening or artwork but I do looking at others efforts.Finally , I love my iPad which is my connection to the world and read newspapers world wide each morning - my tv viewing is much less because of it.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    @kmakm   We feel your pain :(   You have been handed a 'job lot', that is for sure! And it is not one that any of us would voluntarily choose - but you hold your head up high & continue to help all of us here with 'our' problems ..... you are AMAZING!  With your 'add on' family & the circumstances leading up to that, as well as your own cancer experience - you have surely been dealt a rather grotty hand of cards.    I just hope that slowly but surely, the mountains you are climbing become 'gentle hills' and that you spot something now & then that you think 'I could give that a go' and can go forward with it?  Hopefully there is some 'YOU time' rather than 'US time' down the line too -  I really hope you find something that can 'take you away' from your treatment into another world, even for a few hours now and then.  xxxx  

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    @Romla  You'll have to tell me where Port Elliot is ...when we eventually 'do the lap' - I'll add it to the list!!  ;)   I LOVE reading!!  Every night I read for at least 1/2hr no matter WHAT time I turn in.  Do you have a kindle or prefer 'real books'?  I like real books.  I'm enjoying a few Di Morrisey ones just now.  Gosh, I'd be lethal working in an 'op shop' ..... I love ferreting thru them as it is!!  LOL   Yep, my computer takes me all around the world from the comfort of my living room.  I can keep in touch with buddies in UK, USA, NZ and Zimbabwe - at the press of a button!!   SO GOOD!

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    'The best laid schemes of mice and men...' has been the story of the last six years @arpie. But optimistically I shall keep making plans! I'm going to give it a red hot go anyway. K xox
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @arpie Pt Elliotis a little SA secret near Victor Harbor about 80km south of Adelaide. Development is very controlled so high rise nightmares won’t happen with miles of beaches to walk/ swim / cycle for all to enjoy.I’m a real book girl and have thousands - I like biographies of interesting people and vintage crime like Margery Allingham as the puzzle is great but violence minimal.However that said been downloading heaps of audiobooks from the State libraries because of my surgery and use ebooks for travel.Op shopping is great fun way of meeting people  from all walks of life and am constantly amazed at what people donate from vintage tails and top hats to a battered old ww2 German binoculars that raised at auction $380 for the local country fire service.PS wWe have had ukeles too! This has been a great post @arpie !
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I love Port Elliot, too @Romla, as do my kids.  We've stayed down there but mostly it's just been day trips.  Berlinners at the main street bakery are always a favourite indulgence (have to get there before the queue goes down the street, though).  In fact, I'm hoping that we're heading there today to look for whales - my little treat for this long weekend.  We often finish the day with fish and chips (from the Victor Harbor fish and chip shop) eaten on the foreshore at Victor.

    Our other alternative for this weekend was to head to the shack down near the bottom of Yorke Peninisula.  A REAL shack in a backwater fishing town, built right on the dunes.  Now that the kids are older, there's nothing to do but read books, walk on the beach, eat, play games, get out the bows and arrows, and kayak.  Just wasn't sure that I could face the drive and being sociable to the extended family down there on a long weekend.  It's funny - I used to almost dread it when the kids were tiny because it was so much work and trying to fit into a small space with so many people of different ages and ideas and everyone having different needs.  Now it's so easy for me most of the time - just not at the moment.