So Sad
Hey @melony,
Welcome. As you can already see the gorgeous ladies here are full of wisdom and warmth. We know that paralyzing fear and uncertainty at the beginning.
I had the ugly bit removed, back for re excision to get clearer margins and full lymph node clearance with 5/24 with cancer in them.
It does take a while for the sensation to come back. Makes shaving under your arms interesting at the start with no feeling.
One of my biggest fears was coming out at the end of it a different person. I too am a fixer, chief renovator, patcher upper of poor old house and farm, head spider, frog and lizard re-locator and auto electrician lol. If you want something fixed...go to mum. If you are anything like I am this is how you will get through all this. I planned jobs and kept fixing stuff the whole way along to distract me from constant thoughts of treatment and helped keep my mind focused.
Chemo scares the hell out of everyone at the start. The build up and fear of how your body will react is generally worse than when you actually get going. Seriously does your head in. Once you get your results you will feel a little more in control with a plan in place.
It's ok to feel scared, it's ok to cry and scream. It's normal but it will get less and less. You'll get it done and come out the other side a stronger, more bad ass version of the wonderful person you already are.
Lots of hugs, one foot after the other, one day at a time
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Hi and welcome .
What you are experiencing is all normal. I was a blubbering mess for days. But that's okay. Just ride those waves of emotion. Once you have a treatment plan and get started you will start feeling a little better. It's the waiting that is the worst. At least it's gone now...bring on the next part of treatment. Kath x1 -
Hi to you @Melony. All the above ladies have given excellent advice. Just to add re your question 'what's cording?' This can be a complication following node clearance, especially axillary node dissection. The connective tissue , mixed with nearby blood vessels and lymph vessels can harden or form scar tissue. This can feel like rope or cord extending from the scar down to the elbow or even lower. I had it and physiotherapy massage fixed it. Don't worry about this yet, one step at a time. Good luck with your test results. The wait is agony x2
Dear @melony,
Best wishes for your results and Oncologist consult. I hope you will need NO treatment whatsover because everything is OK
I'm glad you are not so scared about chemo now. If it is recommended, It may treat you lightly - unknown until you get in there! I was lucky - on an AC regime no nausea, had aches and pains but only for a few days each round, some problems with hand food syndrome (rash and blisters) and tiredness. But all cleared up well.
You mentioned Centrelink - You could look up what your entitlements might be if you cannot work. Are you working now? Good to be prepared with info on all fronts but you'll know more after your oncologist consult what treatment is recommended for you. As you can already see, it is a great gang in here2 -
I'm not a Leo, but I am a control freak1
Leo, here.1
I’m a Virgo1
Now I'm crying because of all you lovely people, it fills my heart. Thank you so much girls. You all have made me feel way better. I don't feel so alone anymore. By the way I'm an Aries.2
U are never alone when u come on here @melony xoxoxo1
Dear Melony, as all the lovely ladies have already added...what you're experiencing is perfectly normal and no you haven't lost the plot! Don't expect to much from yourself.. let go of the reigns for a while and make yourself priority number one! I'm a bit of a control freak(to say the least!
) so I know what your saying. One of the ladies(sorry did try to scroll back and re-read) had very good advice...Breathe...
Nothing will feel normal for a while But I promise you... you will be you again! I had a Mastectomy 2nd August 2017 and there ain't nothing this biatch can't do!! Before you know it you will be sitting where I am saying something similar to another who has just been diagnosed.
Take care Melony, my thoughts are with you. XX4 -
Yes @kmakm you are dreadful at delegation and any offers of help. Let’s not discuss the foot injury again shall we woman! But yes @melony you have had some awesome advice so far.
Definately dont google anything and yes do take help if offered or ask of you need it. It’s all about you right now and that is totallly ok. We all have to adjust to this at some stage. Some of us are more compliant than others (you know who you are)!! You have to take each day at a time love and you will grow yourself a big set of hairy balls to get through this trust me. Big hug Margie. Xx1 -
@onemargie *scuffs feet* Yes Mum...1
Happy Happy Days. My tests results came in. Margins are clear. Nodes are clear. Has hormone receptors. So its good news for me. Well the best in this situation. Gonna need radium and hormone treatment now. Have to see oncologist for more details. So what I have worked out so far is that I will always have the cancer cloud over my head but today it isn't raining. All you girls are great. Thank you again.7